    • To Base64
    • From Base64
    • To Hex
    • From Hex
    • To Hexdump
    • From Hexdump
    • URL Decode
    • Regular expression
    • Entropy
    • Fork
    • Magic
    Data format
    • To Hexdump
    • From Hexdump
    • To Hex
    • From Hex
    • To Charcode
    • From Charcode
    • To Decimal
    • From Decimal
    • To Binary
    • From Binary
    • To Octal
    • From Octal
    • To Base64
    • From Base64
    • Show Base64 offsets
    • To Base32
    • From Base32
    • To Base58
    • From Base58
    • To Base62
    • From Base62
    • To Base85
    • From Base85
    • To Base
    • From Base
    • To BCD
    • From BCD
    • To HTML Entity
    • From HTML Entity
    • URL Encode
    • URL Decode
    • Escape Unicode Characters
    • Unescape Unicode Characters
    • To Quoted Printable
    • From Quoted Printable
    • To Punycode
    • From Punycode
    • To Hex Content
    • From Hex Content
    • PEM to Hex
    • Hex to PEM
    • Parse ASN.1 hex string
    • Change IP format
    • Encode text
    • Decode text
    • Text Encoding Brute Force
    • Swap endianness
    • To MessagePack
    • From MessagePack
    • To Braille
    • From Braille
    • Parse TLV
    • CSV to JSON
    • JSON to CSV
    Encryption / Encoding
    • AES Encrypt
    • AES Decrypt
    • Blowfish Encrypt
    • Blowfish Decrypt
    • DES Encrypt
    • DES Decrypt
    • Triple DES Encrypt
    • Triple DES Decrypt
    • RC2 Encrypt
    • RC2 Decrypt
    • RC4
    • RC4 Drop
    • ROT13
    • ROT47
    • XOR
    • XOR Brute Force
    • Vigenère Encode
    • Vigenère Decode
    • To Morse Code
    • From Morse Code
    • Bifid Cipher Encode
    • Bifid Cipher Decode
    • Affine Cipher Encode
    • Affine Cipher Decode
    • A1Z26 Cipher Encode
    • A1Z26 Cipher Decode
    • Atbash Cipher
    • Substitute
    • Derive PBKDF2 key
    • Derive EVP key
    • Bcrypt
    • Scrypt
    • JWT Sign
    • JWT Verify
    • JWT Decode
    • Citrix CTX1 Encode
    • Citrix CTX1 Decode
    • Pseudo-Random Number Generator
    • Enigma
    • Bombe
    • Multiple Bombe
    • Typex
    Public Key
    • Parse X.509 certificate
    • Parse ASN.1 hex string
    • PEM to Hex
    • Hex to PEM
    • Hex to Object Identifier
    • Object Identifier to Hex
    • Generate PGP Key Pair
    • PGP Encrypt
    • PGP Decrypt
    • PGP Encrypt and Sign
    • PGP Decrypt and Verify
    Arithmetic / Logic
    • Set Union
    • Set Intersection
    • Set Difference
    • Symmetric Difference
    • Cartesian Product
    • Power Set
    • XOR
    • XOR Brute Force
    • OR
    • NOT
    • AND
    • ADD
    • SUB
    • Sum
    • Subtract
    • Multiply
    • Divide
    • Mean
    • Median
    • Standard Deviation
    • Bit shift left
    • Bit shift right
    • Rotate left
    • Rotate right
    • ROT13
    • HTTP request
    • DNS over HTTPS
    • Strip HTTP headers
    • Dechunk HTTP response
    • Parse User Agent
    • Parse IP range
    • Parse IPv6 address
    • Parse IPv4 header
    • Parse URI
    • URL Encode
    • URL Decode
    • Format MAC addresses
    • Change IP format
    • Group IP addresses
    • Encode NetBIOS Name
    • Decode NetBIOS Name
    • Defang URL
    • Encode text
    • Decode text
    • Remove Diacritics
    • Unescape Unicode Characters
    • Diff
    • Remove whitespace
    • Remove null bytes
    • To Upper case
    • To Lower case
    • To Case Insensitive Regex
    • From Case Insensitive Regex
    • Add line numbers
    • Remove line numbers
    • To Table
    • Reverse
    • Sort
    • Unique
    • Split
    • Filter
    • Head
    • Tail
    • Count occurrences
    • Expand alphabet range
    • Drop bytes
    • Take bytes
    • Pad lines
    • Find / Replace
    • Regular expression
    • Offset checker
    • Hamming Distance
    • Convert distance
    • Convert area
    • Convert mass
    • Convert speed
    • Convert data units
    • Convert co-ordinate format
    • Parse UNIX file permissions
    • Swap endianness
    • Parse colour code
    • Escape string
    • Unescape string
    • Pseudo-Random Number Generator
    • Sleep
    Date / Time
    • Parse DateTime
    • Translate DateTime Format
    • From UNIX Timestamp
    • To UNIX Timestamp
    • Windows Filetime to UNIX Timestamp
    • UNIX Timestamp to Windows Filetime
    • Extract dates
    • Sleep
    • Strings
    • Extract IP addresses
    • Extract email addresses
    • Extract MAC addresses
    • Extract URLs
    • Extract domains
    • Extract file paths
    • Extract dates
    • Regular expression
    • XPath expression
    • JPath expression
    • CSS selector
    • Extract EXIF
    • Extract Files
    • Raw Deflate
    • Raw Inflate
    • Zlib Deflate
    • Zlib Inflate
    • Gzip
    • Gunzip
    • Zip
    • Unzip
    • Bzip2 Decompress
    • Tar
    • Untar
    • Analyse hash
    • Generate all hashes
    • MD2
    • MD4
    • MD5
    • MD6
    • SHA0
    • SHA1
    • SHA2
    • SHA3
    • Keccak
    • Shake
    • RIPEMD
    • HAS-160
    • Whirlpool
    • Snefru
    • BLAKE2b
    • BLAKE2s
    • SSDEEP
    • CTPH
    • Compare SSDEEP hashes
    • Compare CTPH hashes
    • HMAC
    • Bcrypt
    • Bcrypt compare
    • Bcrypt parse
    • Scrypt
    • Fletcher-8 Checksum
    • Fletcher-16 Checksum
    • Fletcher-32 Checksum
    • Fletcher-64 Checksum
    • Adler-32 Checksum
    • CRC-16 Checksum
    • CRC-32 Checksum
    • TCP/IP Checksum
    Code tidy
    • Syntax highlighter
    • Generic Code Beautify
    • JavaScript Parser
    • JavaScript Beautify
    • JavaScript Minify
    • JSON Beautify
    • JSON Minify
    • XML Beautify
    • XML Minify
    • SQL Beautify
    • SQL Minify
    • CSS Beautify
    • CSS Minify
    • XPath expression
    • JPath expression
    • CSS selector
    • PHP Deserialize
    • Microsoft Script Decoder
    • Strip HTML tags
    • Diff
    • To Snake case
    • To Camel case
    • To Kebab case
    • BSON serialise
    • BSON deserialise
    • To MessagePack
    • From MessagePack
    • Detect File Type
    • Scan for Embedded Files
    • Extract Files
    • Remove EXIF
    • Extract EXIF
    • Render Image
    • Play Media
    • Remove EXIF
    • Extract EXIF
    • Split Colour Channels
    • Rotate Image
    • Resize Image
    • Blur Image
    • Dither Image
    • Invert Image
    • Flip Image
    • Crop Image
    • Image Brightness / Contrast
    • Image Opacity
    • Image Filter
    • Contain Image
    • Cover Image
    • Image Hue/Saturation/Lightness
    • Hex Density chart
    • Scatter chart
    • Series chart
    • Heatmap chart
    • Entropy
    • Frequency distribution
    • Chi Square
    • Disassemble x86
    • Pseudo-Random Number Generator
    • Generate UUID
    • Generate TOTP
    • Generate HOTP
    • Generate QR Code
    • Parse QR Code
    • Haversine distance
    • HTML To Text
    • Generate Lorem Ipsum
    • Numberwang
    • XKCD Random Number
    Flow control
    • Magic
    • Fork
    • Subsection
    • Merge
    • Register
    • Label
    • Jump
    • Conditional Jump
    • Return
    • Comment
      time:  2ms
      length:    0
      lines:    1
      Did you know?

      You can load files into CyberChef up to around 500MB using drag and drop or the load file button.