Date created: Thursday, July 11, 2024 2:22:04 PM. Last modified: Thursday, July 11, 2024 2:28:33 PM

Configuration Session

By default, configuration commands are applied in real time as they are entered into the EOS CLI.

Configuration Sessions allows the user to enter configuration, view a diff before applying it, and to apply it with a rollback timer.


This example shows how config diffs can be generated:

# Start a configuration session

test1#configure session s1

# When you start a config session, EOS by default copies the running config into the config session. This means a config session does not start with a blank config. As a result, there is no diff between the session config and running config:

test1(config-s-s1)#show session-config diffs
test1(config-s-s1)#copy running-config session-config
test1(config-s-s1)#show session-config diffs 

# Changing a config line creates a diff

test1(config-s-s1)#hostname foo
test1(config-s-s1)#show session-config diffs 
--- system:/running-config
+++ session:/s1-session-config
-hostname test1
+hostname foo

# This is fine if applying a partial config during a config session.
# If applying a full config, it can be helpful to start a config session and set it's state to a blank config.
# Then apply the full config and ask for a diff

test1#configure session s1

test1(config-s-s1)#rollback clean-config 
test1(config-s-s1)#show session-config diffs 
# shows entire device config will be removed
# apply full config
test1(config-s-s1)#show session-config diffs 
# only changes are shown


This example shows how a commit timer can be used:

# Commit timers can be used for automatic rollback of the config changes

test1#configure session s1
test1(config-s-s1)#hostname foo
test1(config-s-s1)#commit timer ?
  hh:mm:ss  timeout

test1(config-s-s1)#commit timer 00:01:00
foo#show configuration sessions 
Maximum number of completed sessions: 1
Maximum number of pending sessions: 5
Merge on commit is disabled

  Name     State                    User    Terminal
  ----- ------------------------ ---------- --------
  s1       pendingCommitTimer                       

# The config changes will auto-rollack after 1 minute.
# If this needs to happen sooner the config session can be aborted

foo#configure session s1 abort
2023 Jul  5 12:12:43 UTC ConfigAgent: 418: %SYS-5-CONFIG_SESSION_COMMIT_TIMER_CANCELED: The commit timer on session s1 has been canceled. The system configuration will be rolled back.
2023 Jul  5 12:12:46 UTC ConfigAgent: 419: %SYS-5-CONFIG_REPLACE_SUCCESS: User root replaced running configuration with file:/tmp/commitTimerCheckPointConfig.txt successfully on UnknownTty (UnknownIpAddr)

# "commit" will commit the changes and end the rollback time

test1#configure session s1
test1(config-s-s1)#hostname foo
test1(config-s-s1)#commit timer 00:01:00
foo#configure session s1 commit

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