Date created: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 2:34:40 PM. Last modified: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 11:03:50 AM

Speed Groups, QSA Adapters, and Breakouts


Multi-rate Optics

It is possible to use multi-rate optics such as a single mode SFP28 transceiver in an SFP28 port, and configure the transceiver to operate at 1G, 10G, or 25G. For example:

interface Ethernet1
description Interface forced to 1Gbps
speed forced 1000full
transceiver media override 1000base-lx

interface Ethernet1
description Interface forced to 10Gbps
speed forced 10000full
transceiver media override 10gbase-lr

interface Ethernet1
description Interface forced to 25Gbps
speed forced 25gfull
transceiver media override 25gbase-lr


The output of "show interfaces transceiver hardware" will show that the media type matches the transceiver override type configured under the interface.


Speed Groups

Note: there are many caveats and limitations with using QSA adapters and configuring speed groups. Be sure to understand them all before using them.


One can see available speed groups using "show hardware speed-group configurations".

Example from a 7280CR3 running 4.31.2F:

#show hardware speed-group configurations 
Group Interfaces Select Value Available Speed Configurations
----- ----------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------
1 Et1/1-4/3 10g 10G/full,40G/full
1 Et1/1-4/3 25g 25G/full
1 Et1/1-4/3 50g 50G/full,100G/full

Two speeds per speed group are support on this specific model.

The default is 10G and 50G which allows the QSFP28 ports to be used for 100G services or 10G services (when using a QSA adapter):

#show hardware speed-group status 
Group Interfaces Supported Default Configured Active
----- ----------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 Et1/1-4/3 10g,25g,50g 10g,50g default 10g,50g


When configuring speed-groups, the SerDes speeds must be set under the global config.

The following command configures ports in speed group 7 to be used for 10G or 25G services (when using a QSA adapter):

hardware speed-group7 serdes 25g 10g

Then the ports in the speed group can be configured with their individual speeds.

Below we see that now ports Eth25 to 28 only run in 10G or 25G mode.

#show hardware speed-group status 
Group Interfaces Supported Default Configured Active
----- ----------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
7 Et25/1-28/3 10g,25g,50g 10g,50g 10g,25g 10g,25g

Because this specific model has QSFP28 ports, each port then requires a QSA adapter. If a multi-rate optic is inserted into that adapter, the port speed needs to be set under the interface code.

The output of "show interfaces transceiver hardware" for a QSFP28 port with a QSFP28 optic inserted, would normally show four lanes for the QSFP28:

#show interfaces transceiver hardware
Name: Ethernet1/1
Media type: 100GBASE-LR4
Module presence: detected
Maximum module power (W): 4.0
Maximum slot power (W): N/A
Wavelength (nm): 1310.0

Name: Ethernet1/2
Media type: 100GBASE-LR4
Module presence: detected
Maximum module power (W): 4.0
Maximum slot power (W): N/A
Wavelength (nm): 1310.0

Name: Ethernet1/3
Media type: 100GBASE-LR4
Module presence: detected
Maximum module power (W): 4.0
Maximum slot power (W): N/A
Wavelength (nm): 1310.0

Name: Ethernet1/4
Media type: 100GBASE-LR4
Module presence: detected
Maximum module power (W): 4.0
Maximum slot power (W): N/A
Wavelength (nm): 1310.0

Now with a QSA adapter and a 25G optic inserted, Eth25/1 shows as one lane:

Name: Ethernet25/1
Media type: 25GBASE-LR
Module presence: detected
Maximum module power (W): 1.0
Maximum slot power (W): N/A
Wavelength (nm): 1310

And Eth27/1 has a 1/10/25G multi-rate optic configured to run at 10Gbps:

Name: Ethernet27/1
Media type: 10GBASE-LR
Module presence: detected
Maximum module power (W): 1.0
Maximum slot power (W): N/A
Wavelength (nm): 1310
Detected media type: 25GBASE-LR


When configuring speed groups, it is possible to which other interfaces will be disabled with "show interfaces X interactions"

show interfaces eth25/1 interactions 
* = includes speeds slower than 10G that the interface is capable of

  For speed 100G-4
    Ethernet25/2-4 become inactive
    Hardware speed-group 7 must include 50g
  For speed 50G-2
    Ethernet25/2,25/4 become inactive
    Ethernet25/3 is limited to 50G-2
    Hardware speed-group 7 must include 50g
  For speed 40G
    Ethernet25/2-4 become inactive
    Hardware speed-group 7 must include 10g
  For speed 25G
    Ethernet26/1,26/3 become inactive
    Ethernet25/3 is limited to 25G/10G
    Hardware speed-group 7 must include 25g
  For speed 10G
    Ethernet26/1,26/3 become inactive
    Ethernet25/3 is limited to 25G/10G
    Hardware speed-group 7 must include 10g


It's possible to see disabled interfaces with "service interface inactive expose" (without this they don't show in "show interface status" or "show interface description").