Date created: Sunday, July 16, 2023 10:54:35 AM. Last modified: Sunday, July 16, 2023 11:03:18 AM
2023-04 Software Best Practices for Networkers @ UKNOF51
"Software Best Practices for Networkers"
It's 2023 so everything is automated in our network's because we're all so cool, we're all even using Python and Go instead of BASH and expect, but beyond simply writing code, do you know when to implicitly model your infrastructure vs explicitly model it? You have network design standards, but do you have coding and contributing standards too? What would they look like? Are you checking whether you're compromising supportability for ease of development?
I'm currently working on the deployment of a greenfield network and greenfield automation stack, in a group of people who range from "hardcore networkers with minimal coding skills" to "hardcore developers with minimal networking skills". Along the way we have all learned many lessons, some were lessons regarding coding, some were lessons regarding collaboration, some were lessons regarding automation strategies.
In this talk I will share some general lessons learned and considerations we've had to make, with the community, which most people should be able to relate to, in the new age of "automated everything".
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