Date created: Friday, May 29, 2015 5:58:24 PM. Last modified: Friday, June 29, 2018 9:17:23 AM

6500/7600 ELAM

ELAM (Embedded Logic Analyser Module) on 7600, reference from Cisco here and here and BRKARC-2011.

Basic IP4 example

# show platform capture elam help

# show platform capture elam asic superman slot 6

# show platform capture elam trigger dbus ipv4 help

# show platform capture elam trigger dbus ipv4 if ip_da=

# show platform capture elam start

# show platform capture elam status

# show platform capture elam data

# show platform capture elam data raw

# show plat cap elam release

# show platform capture elam data
DBUS data:
SEQ_NUM                          [5] = 0x1D
QOS                              [3] = 0
QOS_TYPE                         [1] = 0
TYPE                             [4] = 0 [ETHERNET]
STATUS_BPDU                      [1] = 0
IPO                              [1] = 1
NO_ESTBLS                        [1] = 0
RBH                              [3] = b000
CR                               [1] = 0
TRUSTED                          [1] = 1
NOTIFY_IL                        [1] = 0
NOTIFY_NL                        [1] = 0
DISABLE_NL                       [1] = 0
DISABLE_IL                       [1] = 0
DONT_FWD                         [1] = 0
INDEX_DIRECT                     [1] = 0
DONT_LEARN                       [1] = 0
COND_LEARN                       [1] = 0
BUNDLE_BYPASS                    [1] = 0
QOS_TIC                          [1] = 1
INBAND                           [1] = 0
IGNORE_QOSO                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_QOSI                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_ACLO                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_ACLI                      [1] = 0
PORT_QOS                         [1] = 1
CACHE_CNTRL                      [2] = 0 [NORMAL]
VLAN                             [12] = 4081
SRC_FLOOD                        [1] = 0
SRC_INDEX                        [19] = 0x143
LEN                              [16] = 1438
FORMAT                           [2] = 0 [IP]
MPLS_EXP                         [3] = 0x0
REC                              [1] = 0
NO_STATS                         [1] = 0
VPN_INDEX                        [10] = 0x0
PACKET_TYPE                      [3] = 0 [ETHERNET]
L3_PROTOCOL                      [4] = 0 [IPV4]
L3_PT                            [8] = 6 [TCP]
MPLS_TTL                         [8] = 0
SRC_XTAG                         [4] = 0x0
DEST_XTAG                        [4] = 0x3
FF                               [1] = 0
MN                               [1] = 0
RF                               [1] = 0
SC                               [1] = 0
CARD_TYPE                        [4] = 0x0
DMAC                             = e8b7.482a.2c00
SMAC                             = 54e0.3271.b244
IPVER                            [1] = 0 [IPV4]
IP_DF                            [1] = 1
IP_MF                            [1] = 0
IP_HDR_LEN                       [4] = 5
IP_TOS                           [8] = 0x0
IP_LEN                           [16] = 1420
IP_HDR_VALID                     [1] = 1
IP_CHKSUM_VALID                  [1] = 1
IP_L4HDR_VALID                   [1] = 1
IP_OFFSET                        [13] = 0
IP_TTL                           [8] = 88
IP_CHKSUM                        [16] = 0x6344
IP_SA                            =
IP_DA                            =
TCP_SPORT                        [16] = 0x1BB
TCP_DPORT                        [16] = 0xC08D
TCP_SEQ                          [32] = 0xC44FFD29
TCP_ACK                          [32] = 0x8841868F
TCP_CODE                         [6] = 0x10
TCP_CHKSUM                       [16] = 0xCB7D
CRC                              [16] = 0x74B0

RBUS data:
SEQ_NUM                          [5] = 0x1D
CCC                              [3] = b100 [L3_RW]
CAP1                             [1] = 0
CAP2                             [1] = 0
QOS                              [3] = 0
EGRESS                           [1] = 0
DT                               [1] = 0 [IP]
TL                               [1] = 0 [B32]
FLOOD                            [1] = 0
DEST_INDEX                       [19] = 0x7F0A
VLAN                             [12] = 4001
RBH                              [3] = b010
RDT                              [1] = 0
GENERIC                          [1] = 0
EXTRA_CICLE                      [1] = 0
FABRIC_PRIO                      [1] = 0
L2                               [1] = 0
FCS1                             [8] = 0x1
IP_TOS_VALID                     [1] = 1
IP_TOS_OFS                       [7] = 15
IP_TOS                           [8] = 0x0
IP_TTL_VALID                     [1] = 1
IP_TTL_OFS                       [7] = 22
IP_TTL                           [8] = 87
IP_CSUM_VALID                    [1] = 1
IP_CSUM_OFS                      [7] = 24
IP_CSUM                          [16] = 0x6444
DELTA_LEN                        [8] = 0
 i0  - replace bytes from ofs 0 to ofs 11 with seq '0C D9 96 1B 46 42 E8 B7 48 2A 2C 00'.
FCS2                             [8] = 0x0

Control signals:
rb_stat                          [3] = 0x7

# From DBUS data; SRC_INDEX                        [19] = 0x143
# Convert the Local Target Logic (LTL) index to a physical interface name (from DBUS)

abr1#remote command switch test mcast ltl-info index 143

index 0x143 contain ports 6/4

# From RBUS data; DEST_INDEX                       [19] = 0x7F0A
# Convert the Local Target Logic (LTL) index to a physical interface name (from DBUS)

#remote command switch test mcast ltl-info index 7F0A

index 0x7F0A contain ports 6/R

IPv4 with DSCP AF11 (value 10 in decimal, 0x0a in HEX, which is TOS decimal value 40 and hex 28)

# show platform capture elam help

# show platform capture elam asic superman slot 6

# show platform capture elam trigger dbus ipv4 help

# show platform capture elam trigger dbus ipv4 if ip_da= ip_tos=40

# show platform capture elam start

# show platform capture elam status

# show platform capture elam data

# show platform capture elam data raw

# show plat cap elam release

show platform capture elam data
DBUS data:
SEQ_NUM                          [5] = 0x1A
QOS                              [3] = 0
QOS_TYPE                         [1] = 0
TYPE                             [4] = 0 [ETHERNET]
STATUS_BPDU                      [1] = 0
IPO                              [1] = 1
NO_ESTBLS                        [1] = 0
RBH                              [3] = b000
CR                               [1] = 0
TRUSTED                          [1] = 1
NOTIFY_IL                        [1] = 0
NOTIFY_NL                        [1] = 0
DISABLE_NL                       [1] = 0
DISABLE_IL                       [1] = 0
DONT_FWD                         [1] = 0
INDEX_DIRECT                     [1] = 0
DONT_LEARN                       [1] = 0
COND_LEARN                       [1] = 0
BUNDLE_BYPASS                    [1] = 0
QOS_TIC                          [1] = 1
INBAND                           [1] = 0
IGNORE_QOSO                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_QOSI                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_ACLO                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_ACLI                      [1] = 0
PORT_QOS                         [1] = 0
CACHE_CNTRL                      [2] = 0 [NORMAL]
VLAN                             [12] = 1124
SRC_FLOOD                        [1] = 0
SRC_INDEX                        [19] = 0xC2
LEN                              [16] = 70
FORMAT                           [2] = 0 [IP]
MPLS_EXP                         [3] = 0x0
REC                              [1] = 0
NO_STATS                         [1] = 0
VPN_INDEX                        [10] = 0x0
PACKET_TYPE                      [3] = 0 [ETHERNET]
L3_PROTOCOL                      [4] = 0 [IPV4]
L3_PT                            [8] = 6 [TCP]
MPLS_TTL                         [8] = 0
SRC_XTAG                         [4] = 0x0
DEST_XTAG                        [4] = 0x2
FF                               [1] = 0
MN                               [1] = 0
RF                               [1] = 0
SC                               [1] = 0
CARD_TYPE                        [4] = 0x0
DMAC                             = c471.fe02.5e00
SMAC                             = 001d.b5c2.0eef
IPVER                            [1] = 0 [IPV4]
IP_DF                            [1] = 1
IP_MF                            [1] = 0
IP_HDR_LEN                       [4] = 5
IP_TOS                           [8] = 0x28
IP_LEN                           [16] = 52
IP_HDR_VALID                     [1] = 1
IP_CHKSUM_VALID                  [1] = 1
IP_L4HDR_VALID                   [1] = 1
IP_OFFSET                        [13] = 0
IP_TTL                           [8] = 59
IP_CHKSUM                        [16] = 0x498F
IP_SA                            =
IP_DA                            =
TCP_SPORT                        [16] = 0x50
TCP_DPORT                        [16] = 0xC6F7
TCP_SEQ                          [32] = 0x9EBDA319
TCP_ACK                          [32] = 0xFE16FF1E
TCP_CODE                         [6] = 0x12
TCP_CHKSUM                       [16] = 0x3995
CRC                              [16] = 0x88D4

RBUS data:
SEQ_NUM                          [5] = 0x1A
CCC                              [3] = b100 [L3_RW]
CAP1                             [1] = 0
CAP2                             [1] = 0
QOS                              [3] = 0
EGRESS                           [1] = 0
DT                               [1] = 1 [GENERIC]
TL                               [1] = 0 [B32]
FLOOD                            [1] = 1
DEST_INDEX                       [19] = 0x448
VLAN                             [12] = 1096
RBH                              [3] = b110
RDT                              [1] = 0
GENERIC                          [1] = 0
EXTRA_CICLE                      [1] = 0
FABRIC_PRIO                      [1] = 0
L2                               [1] = 0
FCS1                             [8] = 0x1
DELTA_LEN                        [8] = 4
 i0  - replace bytes from ofs 0 to ofs 13 with seq 'E8 B7 48 2A 2C 00 C4 71 FE 02 5E 00 88 47'.
       insert seq '0C D9 A1 3A' before ofs 14.
FCS2                             [8] = 0x0

Control signals:
rb_stat                          [3] = 0x7

#remote command switch test mcast ltl-info index C2

index 0xC2 contain ports 4/3

# RBUS has FLOOD bit set:
FLOOD                            [1] = 1
DEST_INDEX                       [19] = 0x448

# When FLOD is set we have to set the 16th bit of the 20 bit DEST_INDEX to 1
# 0x448 = 0000 0000 0100 0100 1000

# With 16th bit set to 1 is..
# 0x8448 = 0000 1000 0100 0100 1000

#remote command switch test mcast ltl-info index 8448

index 0x8448 contain ports 4/1

# Here is an example where inbound DSCP is being re-written to 0
show platform capture elam trigger dbus ipv4 if ip_da= ip_tos=40

show platform capture elam status
active ELAM info:
Slot Cpu   Asic   Inst Ver PB Elam
---- --- -------- ---- --- -- ----
5    0   ST_SMAN  0    3.2    Y
elam capture completed

show platform capture elam data
DBUS data:
IP_TOS                           [8] = 0x28

RBUS data:
IP_TOS                           [8] = 0x0

IPv4 example, the destination port for this IPv4 packet is out of a port that has it's tx mirrored to a local SPAN session

#show platform capture elam data
DBUS data:
SEQ_NUM                          [5] = 0x3
QOS                              [3] = 0
QOS_TYPE                         [1] = 0
TYPE                             [4] = 0 [ETHERNET]
STATUS_BPDU                      [1] = 0
IPO                              [1] = 1
NO_ESTBLS                        [1] = 0
RBH                              [3] = b000
CR                               [1] = 1
TRUSTED                          [1] = 1
NOTIFY_IL                        [1] = 0
NOTIFY_NL                        [1] = 0
DISABLE_NL                       [1] = 0
DISABLE_IL                       [1] = 0
DONT_FWD                         [1] = 0
INDEX_DIRECT                     [1] = 1
DONT_LEARN                       [1] = 1
COND_LEARN                       [1] = 0
BUNDLE_BYPASS                    [1] = 0
QOS_TIC                          [1] = 0
INBAND                           [1] = 0
IGNORE_QOSO                      [1] = 1
IGNORE_QOSI                      [1] = 1
IGNORE_ACLO                      [1] = 1
IGNORE_ACLI                      [1] = 1
PORT_QOS                         [1] = 1
CACHE_CNTRL                      [2] = 0 [NORMAL]
VLAN                             [12] = 4001
SRC_FLOOD                        [1] = 0
SRC_INDEX                        [19] = 0x7FFD
LEN                              [16] = 78
FORMAT                           [2] = 0 [IP]
MPLS_EXP                         [3] = 0x0
REC                              [1] = 0
NO_STATS                         [1] = 0
VPN_INDEX                        [10] = 0x20
PACKET_TYPE                      [3] = 0 [ETHERNET]
L3_PROTOCOL                      [4] = 0 [IPV4]
L3_PT                            [8] = 6 [TCP]
MPLS_TTL                         [8] = 0
SRC_XTAG                         [4] = 0x1
DEST_XTAG                        [4] = 0x0
FF                               [1] = 0
MN                               [1] = 0
RF                               [1] = 0
SC                               [1] = 0
CARD_TYPE                        [4] = 0x0
DMAC                             = 0cd9.961b.4642
SMAC                             = e8b7.482a.2c00
IPVER                            [1] = 0 [IPV4]
IP_DF                            [1] = 1
IP_MF                            [1] = 0
IP_HDR_LEN                       [4] = 5
IP_TOS                           [8] = 0x28
IP_LEN                           [16] = 60
IP_HDR_VALID                     [1] = 1
IP_CHKSUM_VALID                  [1] = 1
IP_L4HDR_VALID                   [1] = 1
IP_OFFSET                        [13] = 0
IP_TTL                           [8] = 119
IP_CHKSUM                        [16] = 0xE6F9
IP_SA                            =
IP_DA                            =
TCP_SPORT                        [16] = 0x50
TCP_DPORT                        [16] = 0xCDD3
TCP_SEQ                          [32] = 0x8C2ABA1D
TCP_ACK                          [32] = 0x378097F3
TCP_CODE                         [6] = 0x12
TCP_CHKSUM                       [16] = 0x47D7
CRC                              [16] = 0x4CCF

RBUS data:
SEQ_NUM                          [5] = 0x3
CCC                              [3] = b100 [L3_RW]
CAP1                             [1] = 0
CAP2                             [1] = 0
QOS                              [3] = 0
EGRESS                           [1] = 0
DT                               [1] = 1 [GENERIC]
TL                               [1] = 0 [B32]
FLOOD                            [1] = 0
DEST_INDEX                       [19] = 0x2010
VLAN                             [12] = 4001
RBH                              [3] = b001
RDT                              [1] = 0
GENERIC                          [1] = 0
EXTRA_CICLE                      [1] = 0
FABRIC_PRIO                      [1] = 0
L2                               [1] = 1
FCS1                             [8] = 0x1
DELTA_LEN                        [8] = 0
 i0  - no rewrite.
FCS2                             [8] = 0x0

Control signals:
rb_stat                          [3] = 0x7

# Convert the Local Target Logic (LTL) index to a physical interface name (from DBUS)

#remote command switch test mcast ltl-info index 7FFD

index 0x7FFD contain ports 6/T1,T2

# Same again from RBUS (Gi1/45 is the local SPAN destination)

#remote command switch test mcast ltl-info index 2010

index 0x2010 contain ports 1/45


MPLS Example

abr1#show module 3
Mod Ports Card Type                              Model              Serial No.
--- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
  3    4  CEF720 4 port 10-Gigabit Ethernet      WS-X6704-10GE      XXXXXXXXXXX

Mod MAC addresses                       Hw   Fw            Sw           Status
--- ---------------------------------- ----- ------------- ------------ -------
  3  6c20.5699.ecf4 to 6c20.5699.ecf7  3.2   12.2(14r)S    15.2(4)S     Ok

Mod  Sub-Module                  Model              Serial       Hw     Status
---- --------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------- -------
  3  Centralized Forwarding Card WS-F6700-CFC       XXXXXXXXXXX  4.1    Ok

Mod  Online Diag Status
---- -------------------
  3  Pass

abr1#conf t
abr1(config)#service internal

# Enable ELAM on module 6 (slot 6 is the RSP, since these are CFC cards not DFC cards the capture can't run on line card 3)
abr1#show platform capture elam asic superman slot 6

# Configure an "other" filter so we can match on MPLS labels
show platform capture elam trigger dbus others if data = 0 0 0 0x88471089 0x60000000 [ 0 0 0 0xffffffff 0xf0000000 ] 

# 0 = DestMAC
# 0 = SrcMAC
# 0 = Dot1Q tag
# 0x8847 = Ethertype 0x8847 = MPLS Unicast
# 1089 0x6000 = First MPLS label (label 67734)
# 0000 = Additional padding

abr1#show platform capture elam status
active ELAM info:
Slot Cpu   Asic   Inst Ver PB Elam
---- --- -------- ---- --- -- ----
6    0   ST_SMAN  0    3.2    Y
DBUS trigger: FORMAT=OTHERS DATA = 0 0 0 0X88471089 0X60000000 [ 0 0 0 0XFFFFFFFF 0XF0000000 ]

abr1#show plat cap elam asic
Slot Cpu   Asic   Inst Ver PB Elam Active Lock
---- --- -------- ---- --- -- ---- ------ ----
6    0   ST_TYCHO 0    3.2    Y
6    0   ST_SMAN  0    3.2    Y       *     *

# Start the ELAM capture
show platform capture elam start

# Check the capture status
abr1#show platform capture elam status
active ELAM info:
Slot Cpu   Asic   Inst Ver PB Elam
---- --- -------- ---- --- -- ----
6    0   ST_SMAN  0    3.2    Y
DBUS trigger: FORMAT=OTHERS DATA = 0 0 0 0X88471089 0X60000000 [ 0 0 0 0XFFFFFFFF 0XF0000000 ]
elam capture in progress

abr1#show platform capture elam status
active ELAM info:
Slot Cpu   Asic   Inst Ver PB Elam
---- --- -------- ---- --- -- ----
6    0   ST_SMAN  0    3.2    Y
DBUS trigger: FORMAT=OTHERS DATA = 0 0 0 0X88471089 0X60000000 [ 0 0 0 0XFFFFFFFF 0XF0000000 ]
elam capture completed

# Show the capture results
abr1#show platform capture elam data
DBUS data:
SEQ_NUM                          [5] = 0x18
QOS                              [3] = 0
QOS_TYPE                         [1] = 0
TYPE                             [4] = 0 [ETHERNET]
STATUS_BPDU                      [1] = 0
IPO                              [1] = 1
NO_ESTBLS                        [1] = 0
RBH                              [3] = b000
CR                               [1] = 0
TRUSTED                          [1] = 1
NOTIFY_IL                        [1] = 0
NOTIFY_NL                        [1] = 0
DISABLE_NL                       [1] = 0
DISABLE_IL                       [1] = 0
DONT_FWD                         [1] = 0
INDEX_DIRECT                     [1] = 0
DONT_LEARN                       [1] = 0
COND_LEARN                       [1] = 0
BUNDLE_BYPASS                    [1] = 0
QOS_TIC                          [1] = 1
INBAND                           [1] = 0
IGNORE_QOSO                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_QOSI                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_ACLO                      [1] = 0
IGNORE_ACLI                      [1] = 0
PORT_QOS                         [1] = 0
CACHE_CNTRL                      [2] = 0 [NORMAL]
VLAN                             [12] = 4027
SRC_FLOOD                        [1] = 0
SRC_INDEX                        [19] = 0x81
LEN                              [16] = 122
FORMAT                           [2] = 3 [OTHERS]
PACKET_TYPE                      [3] = 0 [ETHERNET]
L3_PROTOCOL                      [4] = 15 [INVALID]
L3_PT                            [8] = 0
FF                               [1] = 0
MN                               [1] = 0
RF                               [1] = 0
SC                               [1] = 0
CARD_TYPE                        [4] = 0x0
ISL                              [16] = 0x0
DATA [592]
0000:  E8 B7 48 2A 2C 00 A8 0C 0D 33 A8 21 88 47 10 89   "..H*,....3.!.G.."
0010:  61 FF 45 00 00 64 00 3A 00 00 FF 01 AF 1E 0A FE   "a.E..d.:........"
0020:  F9 01 0A FE FD 42 08 00 BD F1 10 E8 00 3A AB CD   ".....B.......:.."
0030:  AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD   "................"
0040:  AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD                     ".........."
CRC                              [16] = 0x364C

RBUS data:
SEQ_NUM                          [5] = 0x18
CCC                              [3] = b101 [L2_POLICE]
CAP1                             [1] = 0
CAP2                             [1] = 0
QOS                              [3] = 0
EGRESS                           [1] = 0
DT                               [1] = 1 [GENERIC]
TL                               [1] = 0 [B32]
FLOOD                            [1] = 0
DEST_INDEX                       [19] = 0x7F0A
VLAN                             [12] = 4027
RBH                              [3] = b000
RDT                              [1] = 1
GENERIC                          [1] = 0
EXTRA_CICLE                      [1] = 0
FABRIC_PRIO                      [1] = 0
L2                               [1] = 0
FCS1                             [8] = 0x1
DELTA_LEN                        [8] = 0
 i0  - no rewrite.
FCS2                             [8] = 0x0

Control signals:
rb_stat                          [3] = 0x7

# Convert the Local Target Logic (LTL) index to a physical interface name (from DBUS)
abr1#remote command switch test mcast ltl-info index 81

index 0x81 contain ports 3/2

# Same again from RBUS
abr1#remote command switch test mcast ltl-info index 7F0A

index 0x7F0A contain ports 6/R

# Note the FLOOD bit on RBUS is == 0, if it was 1 we would have to set the 16th bit of the 20 bit DEST_INDEX to 1
# Example
# 0x00048 = 0000 0000 0000 0100 1000
#                |
#                +---- Flood bit, set to 1 = 0x08048 

# Note that VLAN 4027 is internally used

abr1#show vlan internal usage | i 4027
4027 TenGigabitEthernet3/2

abr1#show platform capture elam data raw
DBUS sample #5  sof=1  eof=0  sn=24
0000:  C5 F8 B7 2E C0 02 04 01 00 FB B0 00 81 00 7A C0   "..............z."
0010:  0F 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 E8 B7 48 2A 2C 00 A8 0C   "..........H*,..."
0020:  0D 33 A8 21                                       ".3.!"

DBUS sample #6  sof=0  eof=0  sn=24
0000:  8D F8 B3 2C 88 47 10 89 61 FF 45 00 00 64 00 3A   "...,.G..a.E..d.:"
0010:  00 00 FF 01 AF 1E 0A FE F9 01 0A FE FD 42 08 00   ".............B.."
0020:  BD F1 10 E8                                       "...."

DBUS sample #7  sof=0  eof=1  sn=24
0000:  05 F8 B3 25 00 3A AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD   "...%.:.........."
0010:  AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD   "................"
0020:  AB CD 36 4C                                       "..6L"

RBUS sample #9  sof=1  last_odd=1  sn=24
0000:  00 BF BC 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C5 02 07 F0   "...?............"
0010:  AF BB 10 01                                       "...."

# Clear the ELAM lock
show plat cap elam release

This is a paste of the DBUS hexdump imported into Wireshark:


Some other MPLS examples


# c89c.1dd1.e880 = DestMAC
# 0 = SrcMAC
# 0 = Dot1Q tag
# 0x8847 = Ethertype 0x8847 = MPLS Unicast
# 0009 0x6 = First MPLS label (label 150)
# 1 = MPLS BoS bit
# 00 = MPLS TTL
# 4500 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000AFE 0xFD460000 = IPv4 header

# 45 00 00 3c 00 00 00 00 3e 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A FE FD 46
show platform capture elam trigger dbus others if data = 0xc89c1dd1 0xe8800000 0x00000000 0x88470009 0x61004500 0 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000AFE 0xFD460000 [ 0xffffffff 0xffff0000 0 0xffffffff 0xff00ff00 0 0x0000000f 0 0x0000ffff 0xffff0000 ] 


# 0 = DestMAC
# 0 = SrcMAC
# 0 = Dot1Q tag
# 0x8847 = Ethertype 0x8847 = MPLS Unicast
# 1673 0x1 = First MPLS label (label 91953)
# 1 = MPLS BoS bit
# 00 = MPLS TTL
# 4500 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000AFE 0xFD460000 = IPv4 header

show platform capture elam trigger dbus others if data = 0 0 0 0x88471673 0x11004500 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000AFE 0xFE010AFE 0xFD460000 [ 0 0 0 0xffffffff 0xff00ff00 0 0x0000000f 0x0000ffff 0xffffffff 0xffff0000 ]

Typically for IP or MPLS packets when the ELAM completes "CCC = [L3_RW]" on the RBUS. If it is "[L2_POLICE]" this could be a sign the packets are hitting the MLS hardware rate-limiters, if the packet is destined for the RSP it could be CoPP. We can see below what destination indexes are used for the configured MLS HWRL:

abr1#remote command switch show mls rate-limit hw-det

    Hw ID   Status   Packets/s   Burst    Index    Type
    -----  --------  ---------  -------  -------  ------
      0    Disabled          0      0    0x0       -    
      1    Enabled         200     50    0x7F05    LTL  
      2    Enabled          10     10    0x3       ADJ  
      3    Enabled          10     10    0x1A      ADJ  
      4    Enabled         200     50    0x1B      ADJ  
      5    Enabled          10     10    0x7F0A    LTL  
      6    Enabled        2000      1    0x7E05    LTL  
      7    Enabled        2000     10    0x0       ADJ  
      8    Disabled          0      0    0x0       -    
      9    Enabled          10      1    0x7F08    LTL  
     10    Enabled        2000     10    0x7F09    LTL  
     11    Enabled          20     20    0x7F0C    LTL  
     12    Enabled        2000     10    0x2000    LTL  

Index 0x7FFF is a bit bucket index reserved for dropping packets. One can see with "remote command switch show platform hardware tycho register 0 1794" all standard registers on the TYCHO ASIC on the PFC (RSP720 in slot 6 in the example 7600) which might be used for special rewrites on an ELAM capture, such as TTL expired, these are just a few examples:

abr#remote login switch
abr1-sp#show platform hardware tycho register 0 1794 | i RED_
 0x03C1:            RED_CEN_RW_IDX = 0x00007FFA [32762     ]
 0x03C2:         RED_INBAND_FF_IDX = 0x00082000 [532480    ]
 0x03C3:          RED_IN_RW_FF_IDX = 0x00007FFA [32762     ]
 0x03C4:            RED_SW_ERR_IDX = 0x00000380 [896       ]
 0x03C5:        RED_INBAND_SEC_IDX = 0x00001200 [4608      ]
 0x03C7:           RED_PKT_ERR_IDX = 0x00007F0A [32522     ]
 0x0405:                 RED_ACL_1 = 0x00007E00 [32256     ]
 0x044F:                   RED_PLC = 0x00007FFF [32767     ]
 0x0450:         RED_RPF_FAIL_IDX0 = 0x00007F0A [32522     ]
 0x0451:         RED_RPF_FAIL_IDX1 = 0x00007F00 [32512     ]
 0x0452:         RED_NORT_FAIL_IDX = 0x00007F0A [32522     ]
 0x0453:           RED_SM_VLAN_IDX = 0x00007F07 [32519     ]
 0x0454:              RED_ICMP_IDX = 0x00007F0A [32522     ]
 0x0455:                RED_FD_IDX = 0x00007FFF [32767     ]
 0x0456:            RED_FINRST_IDX = 0x00000380 [896       ]
 0x0457:              RED_BBKT_IDX = 0x00007FFF [32767     ]
 0x0458:               RED_MTU_IDX = 0x00007F0B [32523     ]
 0x0459:               RED_TTL_IDX = 0x00007F01 [32513     ]
 0x045A:           RED_IP_SAME_IDX = 0x00007F0A [32522     ]
 0x045B:          RED_IPV6_SCP_IDX = 0x00000380 [896       ]
 0x045C:          RED_MPLS_ERR_IDX = 0x00007FFF [32767     ]
 0x045D:            RED_RATE_IDX_0 = 0x00000000 [0         ]
 0x045F:            RED_RATE_IDX_1 = 0x00007F05 [32517     ]
 0x0461:            RED_RATE_IDX_2 = 0x00000000 [0         ]
 0x0463:            RED_RATE_IDX_3 = 0x00000000 [0         ]
 0x0465:            RED_RATE_IDX_4 = 0x00000000 [0         ]
 0x0467:            RED_RATE_IDX_5 = 0x00007F0A [32522     ]
 0x0469:            RED_RATE_IDX_6 = 0x00007E05 [32261     ]
 0x046B:            RED_RATE_IDX_7 = 0x00000000 [0         ]

The CR field tells us if the packet has been recirculated (such as popping a tag and then re-writing DSCP and performing QoS on the DSCP value), in which case "CR=1" in the elam trigger can be used. The RBH field is used for load-balancing. The REWRITE_INFO field shows how a successful packet will be transmitted, a packet being dropped will likely say "no rewrite".


In the case that DFCs are being used, the command "remote command module 2 show platform hardware earl status" shows the DBUS and RBUS stats for the card (as below), otherwise this can be run agains the RSP module to see the stats on the PFC:

PE252#remote command module 2 show platform hardware earl status | beg Forwarding statistics for kuma
 EIF_EBUS_CFG:              E0C0Forwarding statistics for kuma 0
KIF DBUS PKTS:                  0x001C540E
KIF RBUS PKTS:                  0x001C540D
KIF DBUS PKT CRC ERRORS:        0x00000000
KIF RBUS PKT DATA ERRORS:       0x00000000
PIF RBUS PKTS:                  0x001C540B
PIF DBUS PKT CRC ERRORS:        0x00000000
PIF RBUS PKT DATA ERRORS:       0x00000000
EIF DBUS COMPACT PKTS:          0x00000000
EIF DBUS LEGACY PKTS:           0x00000000
EIF DBUS TRUNCATED PKTS:        0x00000000
EIF DBUS EXTENDED PKTS:         0x00000000
EIF RBUS NORMAL PKTS:           0x00000000
EIF RBUS EXTENDED PKTS:         0x00000000
EIF RBUS PKT DATA ERRORS:       0x00000000

Forwarding statistics for kuma 1
KIF DBUS PKTS:                  0x000A26A8
KIF RBUS PKTS:                  0x000A26A8
KIF DBUS PKT CRC ERRORS:        0x00000000
KIF RBUS PKT DATA ERRORS:       0x00000000
PIF RBUS PKTS:                  0x000A26A4
PIF DBUS PKT CRC ERRORS:        0x00000000
PIF RBUS PKT DATA ERRORS:       0x00000000
EIF DBUS COMPACT PKTS:          0x00000000
EIF DBUS LEGACY PKTS:           0x00000000
EIF DBUS TRUNCATED PKTS:        0x00000000
EIF DBUS EXTENDED PKTS:         0x00000000
EIF RBUS NORMAL PKTS:           0x00000000
EIF RBUS EXTENDED PKTS:         0x00000000
EIF RBUS PKT DATA ERRORS:       0x00000000