Date created: Friday, August 18, 2023 9:33:53 AM. Last modified: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 10:45:38 AM



ethxmit is a tool to generate IP/TCP/UDP/ICMP/MPLS frames on EOS.


Arista Networks EOS shell

[r2 ~]$ ethxmit
Usage: ethxmit [ OPTIONS ] interface

ethxmit: error: expected output interface
[r2 ~]$ ethxmit --help
Usage: ethxmit [ OPTIONS ] interface

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SIZE, --size=SIZE  packet size, including CRC (default: minimum possible
                        size, typically 64)
  -S SMAC, --smac=SMAC  source MAC address (default: use interface's MAC
  --incSmac=INCSMAC     increment source mac repeating after N iterations (max
  -D DMAC, --dmac=DMAC  destination MAC address (default: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
  --incDmac=INCDMAC     increment dest mac repeating after N iterations (max
  -e ETHERTYPE, --ethertype=ETHERTYPE
                        ethertype (default: 0x1234)
  -V IP_VERSION, --ip-version=IP_VERSION
                        IP version either 4 or 6 (default: 4)
  -p, --progress        display progress indication to stdout
  --vlan=VLAN           vlan id (default: no tag, or 0 if --vpri is set)
  --vpri=VPRI           vlan priority (default: no tag, or 0 if --vlan is set)
  --dei                 dei (default: no tag, or 0 if --vpri is set)
                        vlan TPID (default: 0x8100)
                        inner vlan id (default: no tag, or 0 if --inner-vpri
                        is set)
                        inner vlan priority (default: no tag, or 0 if --inner-
                        vlan is set)
  --inner-dei           inner vlan dei ( default: no tag, or 0 if --inner-vpri
                        or --inner-vlan is set)
                        inner vlan TPID (default: 0x8100)
  --ip-src=ADDR         source IP address
  --ip-dst=ADDR         destination IP address
  --ip-protocol=PROTO   IP protocol number or name (default: 63)
                        increment source IP address, repeating after N
                        increment destination IP address, repeating after N
  --ttl=TTL             IP TTL (Time To Live) value (default: 64)
  --tos=TOS             IP TOS (Type Of Service) value (default: 0)
                        IPv6 Flow Label value (default: 0)
  --dont-fragment       Set IP Don't Fragment flag as 1
  --more-fragments      Set IP More Fragments flag as 1
                        Fragment offset in units of 64-bits (e.g. 1 = 64 bits)
  --ip-id=IP_ID         IP header id
  --router-alert        add a Router Alert IP option
  --cksum=CKSUM         IP Checksum
  --ipver=IPVER         IPv4 version to generate a version error
  --iphlen=IPHLEN       IPv4 Header Length
  --udp-sport=PORT      UDP source port number
  --udp-dport=PORT      UDP destination port number
                        ICMP type
                        ICMP code
                        inner source UDP port for a tunneled IP/UDP packet
                        inner dest UDP port for a tunneled IP/UDP packet
                        inner source TCP port for a tunneled IP/TCP packet
                        inner dest TCP port for a tunneled IP/TCP packet
                        Set TCP control flags: U,A,P,R,S,F
                        IP protocol number or name (default: 63) for a
                        tunneled IP packet
                        IP TTL (Time To Live) value (default: 64) for a
                        tunneled IP packet
                        IP TOS (Type Of Service) value (default: 0) for a
                        tunneled IP packet
                        IPv6 Flow Label value (default: 0) for a tunneled IP
  --inner-ip-src=ADDR   inner source IP address for a tunneled IP packet
  --inner-ip-dst=ADDR   inner destination IP address for a tunneled IP packet
                        source MAC address for inner header of a tunneled
                        packet (default: 00:00:aa:aa:aa:aa)
                        destination MAC address for inner header of a tunneled
                        packet (default ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
                        ethertype for inner header of a tunneled packet
                        (default: 0x0800 for IP)
                        IP version either 4 or 6 (default: 4) of a tunneled IP
                        Set IP Don't Fragment flag as 1 for a tunneled IP
                        Set IP More Fragments flag as 1 for a tunneled IP
                        Fragment offset in units of 64-bits (e.g. 1 = 64 bits)
                        for a tunneled IP packet
                        IP header id for a tunneled IP packet
                        ARP: "request", "reply"
                        --inner-ndp <"nbr-solicit", "nbr-advt", "rtr-solicit">
                        vni for Vxlan packet (adds vxlan header). Also: Sets
                        IP_PROTO to udp and dest port to vxlan port, unless
                        Sets VXLAN flags (first 8 bits of VXLAN header)
                        Payload vlan id (default: no tag, or 0 if --payload-
                        vpri is set)
                        Payload vlan priority (default: no tag, or 0 if
                        --payload-vlan is set)
  --payload-dei         payload vlan dei ( default: no tag, or 0 if --payload-
                        vlan or --payload-vpri is set)
                        Payload vlan TPID (default: 0x8100)
                        Payload inner vlan id (default: no tag, or 0 if
                        --payload-inner-vpri is set)
  --payload-inner-dei   payload inner vlan dei ( default: no tag, or 0 if
                        --payload-inner-vpri or --payload-inner-vlan is set)
                        Payload inner vlan priority (default: no tag, or 0 if
                        --payload-inner-vlan is set)
                        Payload inner vlan TPID (default: 0x8100)
  --mpls-label=LABEL    A comma separated list of MPLS (Multiprotocol Label
                        Switching) labels to be added to the packet. Specified
                        from top to bottem
  --mpls-ttl=MPLS_TTL   comma separated MPLS TTL (Time To Live) value
                        (default: 64)
  --mpls-exp=MPLS_EXP   comma separted MPLS EXP (Experimental ) value
                        (default: 0)
  --gre                 enable Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
  --gre-over-mpls       enable Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) over MPLS
  --gtpv1               enable GTPv1 encapsulation
                        GTPv1 message type
                        GTPv1 tunnel endpoint identifier
  --eth-over-gre        enable Ethernet over Generic Routing Encapsulation
  --udp-over-mpls       enable UDP over MPLS
  --eth-over-mpls       enable Ethernet over MPLS
                        set the MPLS Pseudowire Control Word Type (default 0)
                        set the MPLS Pseudowire Control Word Flags (default 0)
                        set the MPLS Pseudowire Control Word Fragment (default
                        set the MPLS Pseudowire Control Word Sequence Number
                        (default 0)
                        set the raw MPLS Pseudowire Control Word (4-byte hex
  --gre-protocol=PROTO  set the protocol type of the GRE payload (default:
                        0x0800 (IP))
  --gre-version=VER     set the GRE version number (default 0)
  --gre-checksum=VALUE  enable Checksum Present bit in GRE header and insert
                        checksum with VALUE, not enabled by default
  --gre-key=VALUE       enable Key Present bit in GRE header and insert key
                        with VALUE, not enabled by default
  --gre-sequence=VALUE  enable Sequence Number Present bit in GRE header and
                        insert sequence number with VALUE, not enabled by
  --data-type=TYPE      one of: constant, incrementing, random, raw (default:
  --data-value=VALUE    payload value if data-type is 'constant' or 'raw'
                        constant: single byte repeated to fill payload SIZE
                        raw: hex string for payload, zero padded if short
                        (default: 0)
  --random-seed=SEED    seed for random number generator
                        source Vif, the vif_id of the port that add the vntag
                        destination Vif, identifies the destination port
  --br=BR               IEEE 802.1BR E-tag
                        Arista L2 timestamp tag version
                        Arista L2 timestamp tag seconds
                        Arista L2 timestamp tag nanoseconds
  --dzgre               enable DzGRE header
  --dzgre-version=VER   set the DzGRE version number (default 0)
                        Arista DzGRE entropy
                        Arista DzGRE switch Id
                        Arista DzGRE port Id
                        Arista DzGRE policy Id
  -n NUM, --num=NUM     total number of packets to send (default: 1)
  --seq                 replace last four bytes of user payload with
                        incrementing sequence value
  -b BURST, --burst=BURST
                        number of packets in each burst (default: 1)
  --sleep=SLEEP         how long to sleep (in seconds) after each burst
                        (default: 0.0)
  -c, --continuous      run continuously
  -B SNDBUF, --sndbuf=SNDBUF
                        socket send-buffer size to use
  --arp=ARP             ARP: "request", "reply"
  --rarp=RARP           RARP: "request", "reply"
  --arp-sha=ARPSHA      Sender Hardware Address in ARP/RARP message (default:
  --ndp=NDP             --ndp <"nbr-solicit", "nbr-advt", "rtr-solicit">
  --isl-f1=F1           f1 field in ISL header
  --isl-f2=F2           f2 field in ISL header
  --isl-sglort=SGLORT   sglort field in ISL header
  --isl-dglort=DGLORT   dglort field in ISL header
  --txraw-fap=TXRAWFAP  src FAP in txraw header
  --svtag=SVTAG         4 byte svtag
                        src Port to inject packet from
                        sysDestPort in ITMH header
  --raw=RAW             Hexidecimal byte stream (e.g. 0xaaaa010234....) of a
                        pre-formed packet to use.  All other packet building
                        options are ignored.
  --stdout              write packet to stdout
  --hexDump             print the hex value of the packet
                        Set TCP control flags: U,A,P,R,S,F
                        TCP source port number
                        TCP destination port number
  --tcp-mss=TCP_MSS     TCP maximum segment size
  --esmc-ssm=ESMC_SSM   ESMC SSM value (0-15)
                        ESMC type: informational (I) or event (E) (default: I)
                        increment source port, repeating after N iterations
                        (max 65535)
                        increment destination port, repeating after N
                        iterations (max 65535)


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