Date created: Monday, December 21, 2020 9:25:33 AM. Last modified: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 2:30:29 PM

FIA Packet Diag

IOS-XR 7.3.1, NCS5508:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "help" location 0/0/CPU0
Node ID: 0/0/CPU0

R/S/I: 0/0/0
Help: Type help "command" for detailed command usage
Help: Upper case letters signify minimal match

Commands common to all modes:
        ?                   Display list of commands
        API                 Control API command mode parsing.
        ASSert              Assert
        Attach              Attach SOC device(s)
        BackGround          Execute a command in the background.
        break               place to hang a breakpoint
        BroadSync           Manage Time API BroadSync endpoints
        CASE                Execute command based on string match
        CD                  Change current working directory
        cint                Enter the C interpreter
        ClearScreen         Clear terminal output
        CONFig              Configure Management interface
        CONSole             Control console options
        CoPy                Copy a file
        DATE                Set or display current date
        DeBug               Enable/Disable debug output
        DELAY               Put CLI task in a busy-wait loop for some amount of time
        DISPatch            BCM Dispatch control.
        Echo                Echo command line
        EXIT                Exit the current shell (and possibly reset)
        EXPR                Evaluate infix expression
        FLASHINIT           Initialize on board flash as a file system
        FLASHSYNC           Sync up on board flash with file system
        FOR                 Execute a series of commands in a loop
        Help                Print this list OR usage for a specific command
        HISTory             List command history
        IF                  Conditionally execute commands
        IMPORT              Load commands from a file
        IPROCRead           Read from IPROC Area
        IPROCWrite          Write to IPROC Area
        JOBS                List current background jobs
        KILL                Terminate a background job
        LED                 Control/Load LED processor
        LOCal               Create/Delete a variable in the local scope
        LOG                 Enable/Disable logging and set log file
        LOOP                Execute a series of commands in a loop
        LS                  List current directory
        M0                  M0 commands for led/linkscan fw
        MCSCmd              Execute cmd on uC
        MCSDump             Create MCS dumpfile
        MCSLoad             Load hexfile to MCS memory
        MCSMsg              Start/stop messaging with MCs
        MCSStatus           Show MCS fault status
        MCSTimeStamp        Print MCS timestamp data
        MKDIR               Make a directory
        MODE                Set shell mode
        MORe                Copy a file to the console
        MoVe                Rename a file on a file system
        NOEcho              Ignore command line
        Pause               Pause command processing and wait for input
        PCIEPHY             PCIe PHY speicific utilities
        PortMod             Portmod Diagnostics
        PRINTENV            Display current variable list
        PROBE               Probe for available SOC units
        PSCAN               Control uKernel port scanning.
        PTP                 PTP stack configuration
        PWD                 Print platform dependent working directory
        RCCache             Save contents of an rc file in memory
        RCLoad              Load commands from a file
        REBOOT              Reboot the processor
        RM                  Remove a file from a file system
        RMDIR               Remove a directory
        SalProfile          Displays current SAL resource usage
        SAT                 Service activation test
        SAVE                Write data to a file
        SET                 Set various configuration options
        SETENV              Create/Delete a variable in the global scope
        SHell               Invoke a system dependent shell
        SLeep               Suspend the CLI task for specified amount of time
        TDPLL               T-DPLL configuration and management
        TIME                Time the execution of one or more commands
        Version             Print version and build information

Commands for current mode:
        Attach              Attach SOC device(s)
        AVS                 AVS - get AVS (Adjustable Voltage Scaling) value
        CLEAR               Clear a memory table or counters
        COSQ                Set/Get cosq Parameters
        CounTeR             Enable/disable counter collection
        CounTeRProc         Counter processor diagnostics
        DDRPhyCDR           Control Combo28 DDR CDR
        DDRPhyRegs          Read/Write DDR40 phy registers
        DDRPhyTune          Tune DDR40 phy registers
        DEInit              Deinit SW modules
        DETach              Detach SOC device(s)
        DEviceReset         Perform different device reset modes/actions.
        DIAG                Display diagnostic information
        DMA                 DMA Facilities Interface
        DRAMBuf             Manage and get information on dram buffers
        DramMmuIndAccess    Perform MMU indirect reading and writing
        Dump                Dump an address space or registers
        DUNE_ui             Open DUNE UI shell for DPP commands
        export              Data Export commands
        Fabric              DNX fabric diagnostic pack
        Fc                  Show Flow-control status
        Getreg              Get register
        GPort               Show the current queue gports set up in the system
        Gtimer              Manage gtimer
        I2C                 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Bus commands
        INIT                Initialize SOC and S/W
        init_dnx            Initialize/deinitialize DNX S/W
        intr                Interrupt Controling
        KBP                 Perform Access to KBP data
        KNETctrl            Manage kernel network functions
        L2                  Manage L2 (MAC) addresses
        L3                  Manage L3
        LB                  Show Link-bonding status
        LINKscan            Configure/Display link scanning
        LISTmem             List the entry format for a given table
        Listreg             List register fields
        MBIST               MBIST diagnostic commands
        MODify              Modify table entry by field names
        Modreg              Register Read/Modify/Write
        PacketWatcher       Monitor ports for packets
        PaRSer              Present available parser resources
        PBMP                Convert port bitmap string to hex
        PCIC                Access to PCI configuration space
        pcie                Read/Write form devices via pcie
        PEM                 PEM operations
        PHY                 Set/Display phy characteristics
        PORT                Set/Display port characteristics
        PortMod             portmod diagnostics
        PortStat            Display port status in table
        PROBE               Probe for available SOC units
        REINIT              ReInitialize SOC and S/W
        Set_Device          Common set_device command
        Setreg              Set register
        SHOW                Show information on a subsystem
        SOC                 Print internal driver control information
        STG                 Manage spanning tree groups
        STKMode             Hardware Stacking Mode Control
        SwitchControl       General switch control
        Tdm                 Manage tdm
        TestClear           Clear run statisistics for a test
        TestList            List loaded tests and status
        TestMode            Set global test run modes
        TestParameters      Set test Parameters
        TestRun             Run a specific or selected tests
        TestSelect          Select tests for running
        Tx                  Transmit packets
        Vlan                Manage VLANs
        Write               Write entry(s) into a table

Number Formats:
        [-]0x[0-9|A-F|a-f]+ -hex if number begins with "0x"
        [-][0-9]+           -decimal integer
        [-]0[0-7]+          -octal if number begins with "0"
        [-]0b[0-1]+         -binary if number begins with "0b"



RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag" location 0/0/CPU0

Node ID: 0/0/CPU0

R/S/I: 0/0/0
Usage (DIAG): Usages:
        DIAG [OPTION]  ...OPTION can be:

pp             display packet processing diagnostics (use DIAG pp ? for further details)
field          display field diagnostics (use DIAG field ? for further details)
rates          display rates diagnostics (use DIAG rates ? for further details)
oam            display oam diagnostics (use DIAG oam ? for further details)
alloc          display allocation management diagnostics (use DIAG alloc for further details)
template       display template manager diagnostics (use DIAG template for further details)
last_packet    display information on the last packet
HeaderDiff     display global compensation statistics
lag            display LAGs information (use DIAG lag ? for further details)
nif            display all links status information
                norates - Skip the serdes rates info
                port  - display link status information per port basis
counters       display all counters values
                nz - filter zero counters
                packet_flow - show packet_flow
                graphical - show a graphical representation
                core_disp(cdsp) - show counters per core
                interval=x - show the counters rate in an interval of x
                 - show counters in block  only (more then one blockName is supported)
ing_congestion display ingress congestion statistics
egr_congestion display egress congestion statistics
egr_calendars  display egress calendars info
                current - print only current statistics
                max - print only max statistics
                continuous - do not to disable updates to maximum values during their collection; will provide non correlated max values, but less time during which max values are not gathered
                all - print current and current statistics - default
                nz - don't print zero statistics
                global - print only global related statistics
                port=id - print only port id related statistics
                queue=id - port queue related statistics
                interface=id - interface queue related statistics
                ingress [NetworkHeaderSize=] - display packet length difference on ingerss path

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag nif" location 0/7/CPU0

Node ID: 0/7/CPU0

R/S/I: 0/7/0
Nif status:
 Port # |    Port Type    |       SerDes #      |   Rx Seq Done  | Signal Lock | SerDes Rate | Input RefClk
     1  | CAUI            |        00-03        |    0xf         |      +      |   25.773    |   156.25
     5  | CAUI            |        04-07        |    0x0         |      -      |      N/A    |   156.25
     9  | CAUI            |        08-11        |    0x0         |      -      |      N/A    |   156.25
    13  | CAUI            |        12-15        |    0x0         |      -      |      N/A    |   156.25
    17  | CAUI            |        16-19        |    0xf         |      +      |   25.773    |   156.25
    21  | CAUI            |        20-23        |    0xf         |      +      |   25.773    |   156.25
    31  | ILKN            |        54-59        |    0x3f        |      +      |   27.322    |   156.25
    32  | ILKN            |        48-53        |    0x3f        |      +      |   27.322    |   156.25
    61  | CAUI            |        60-63        |    0x0         |      -      |      N/A    |   156.25
    65  | CAUI            |        64-67        |    0xf         |      +      |   25.773    |   156.25
    69  | CAUI            |        68-71        |    0xf         |      +      |   25.773    |   156.25
   253  | SGMII           |        42           |    0x1         |      +      |    3.123    |   156.25

show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag counters nz" location 0/0/CPU0
show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag counters nz packet_flow" location 0/0/CPU0
show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag counters g c" location 0/0/CPU0

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag last" location 0/0/CPU0
Node ID: 0/0/CPU0

Core 0:
Last packet information: is_valid=1 tm_port=9
pp_port=9 src_syst_port=49169 port_header_type=eth packet_size=110
Packet start, offset in bytes:
00: 008a9657 791278ba f96f24de 88470fcb b0fe7fff c13f4500 0058dd05 40003f06
20: 22190a0c 90340a0c 983540e5 eb76c325 6454c972 60895018 0b42fa24 00000000
40: 00300016 3611ed5d c82c0200 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
60: 00000000 00000200 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Core 1:
Last packet information: is_valid=1 tm_port=17
pp_port=17 src_syst_port=49152 port_header_type=eth packet_size=110
Packet start, offset in bytes:
00: 008a9657 790578ba f9754183 88470fcc 20fe7fff 713f4500 00581f5d 40003f06
20: dfbd0a0c 98360a0c 903740e5 eb4493b7 a5c73751 41255018 168373aa 00000000
40: 00300016 36116e71 62010200 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
60: 00000000 00000200 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000


Diag - Packet Processing

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag pp" location 0/0/CPU0

Node ID: 0/0/CPU0

R/S/I: 0/0/0
Usage (DIAG pp):
        DIAGnotsics pp commands
        DIAG pp [OPTION]  ...OPTION can be:
Frwrd_Decision_Trace - returns the forwarding decision (destination + trap) for each phase in processing port,LIF, forwarding lookup, FEC resultion, TRAP
                core - Core ID (0/1)
Received_Packet_Info - dump first 128 bytes from last received packet and return its association port information
                core - Core ID (0/1).
Parsing_Info - returns packet format e.g. ipv4oEth
                core - Core ID (0/1)
DB_LIF_lkup_info - return the lookup keys and result from SEM DB
                bank_id - Bank number. For SEM: 0 (SEM-A), 1 (SEM-B), 2 (TCAM).
                lkup_num - Lookup number, some DB has more than one lookup
                core - Core ID (0/1)
TERMination_Info - retuns terminated headers and the forwarding header types
                core - Core ID (0/1)
TRAPS_Info - returns wether packet was trapped, and trap-code
                core - Core ID (0/1)
Trapped_Packet_Info - parse packet recived by CPU return packet size, start of network header and other proccessing attributes
                max_size - Maximum number of bytes to read
ENCAP_info - returns the encapsulation info in egress DB
                core - Core ID (0/1)
Frwrd_Lkup_Info - returns the forwarding enginetype  (IP routing, bridging, TRILL,..)
                core - Core ID (0/1)
Frwrd_LPM_lkup - diag query into LPM DB. Given VRF,DIP return FECs
                ip_address - Ipv4 address
                prefix_len - Number of bits to consider in the IP address starting from the msb. Range: 0-32.
                        Example for key ip_address and prefix_len 24 would match any IP Address of the form 192.168.1.x
                vrf - VRF
                core - Core ID (0/1)
Ing_Vlan_Edit_info - return ingress/egress vlan editing information
                core - Core ID (0/1)
LeaRNing_info - returns learning info of last packet
MODE_info_Get - Gets the configuration set by the mode_info_set API.
MODE_info_Set - when setting mode to raw: rest of diag CLIs will return information (keys and payload) in hex without parsing
                flavor - Flavor indicates/affects the way the diagnostic APIs work:
                        RAW to return a raw bit-stream i.e. without parsing into structure
                        NONE for no flavor
PKT_associated_TM_info - returns  the resolved destination, meter-id, and other info to be processed/used by TM blocks
                core - Core ID (0/1)
MeTeRing- returns the current bucket status for a given meter
                id - Meter ID
                core - Meter core id (0/1), optional
                group - Meter group id (0/1), optional
Eth_PoLiCeR - returns the port-policers mapping with the relevant policers status. show aggregate policer ID if port was set to.
                port - Port
AGgregateEth_PoLiCeR - return the status of the aggregate group of policers, recognized by policer_id
                policer_id - Policer ID
PKT_TRace_Clear - clear sticky status in HW
                core - Core ID (0/1)
DB_LEM_lkup_info - return the lookup keys and result from LEM DB. Used for forwarding lookup. E.g. MACT, ILM, host lookup
                lkup_num - Lookup number, some DB has more than one lookup
Egress_DROP - display filters at egress
LIF_show - display bank ID and offset inside bank
        type - lif type:in/out
        id   - lif id (interpreted as local id by default or as global when gl=1
        gl   - set to 1 in order to have lif id interpreted as global one
TPID_Globals_show - display global TPIDs
TPID_PRofiles_show - display TPIDs profiles
TPID_POrt_profile_show port - display profile associated with port
        port - port number, optional
        core - core id (0/1), optional
KBP - flags and information of KBP status and diagnostics
Usage: diag pp kbp [option], when option is one of:
                [entry_flag=0/1]         - Disable/Enable the dump of each new entry added to KBP
                [print_entries]          - Dumps all KBP current entries in all tables
                [last_packet][prgm=x]    - Dumps the last packet that was sent to KBP information
                                           [prgm=x] optional : The last FLP program. If not assign, last FLP  program will be read from FLP DB.
OUTLIF_Info - Prints the content of the EEDB - all OUTLIFs are displayed
OUTLIF_Info_VSI- prints the VSI entries in particular, parsed in a chart
OUTLIF_Info_LL- prints the Link Layer entries in particular, parsed in a chart
VTT_Dump [last=0]  - return the valid VTT programs
VTT_Dump [last=1]  - return last invoked VTT program
FLP_Dump [last=0]  - return the valid FLP programs
FLP_Dump [last=1]  - return last invoked FLP program
Egr_Vlan_Edit_info - return egress vlan editing information
GPort              - return information for the gport
        id     - gport id
        RES    - Display resource
        FW_DB  - Display forward database info
        LIF_DB - Display lif database info
Cross-Connect-traverse - return the cross connection traverse information
IPv4_MC            - displays mc routing table
VSI_decision       - VSI information
If_PROFILE_Status  - Interface profile allocation
FTMH_Header_Change_Show      - display FTMH header before and after ITPP
RIF_profile_info   - return information about last packet profile
OCCupation_mgmt_show - display occupation maps status
Class_Of_Service   - display cos mapping
DB_GLEM_lkup_info  - returns the last lookup key(s) and result(s) in the Global Lif Exact Match
                gport=[value]  -    perform a GLEM lookup for gport [value]
                gl=[value]     -    perform a GLEM lookup for [value]
                core           -    core id (optional, default 0)
Kaps_LKuP_info_get - return the lookup keys and results from kaps
FEC_PReFormance        - runs FEC creation performance tests
                ecmp_count=[value]  - number of ECMP groups to create
                print=[value]       - print debugging messages
load_balancing - Displays the ECMP and LAG load balancing information
diag pp sig        - presents list of signals according to filter and show options
                [name=Signal] [from=Stage] [to=Stage] [stage=Stage] [order=little/big] [core=0/1]


Diags - rates

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag rates" location 0/0/CPU0
Tue Jan 11 12:22:06.612 GMT

Node ID: 0/0/CPU0

R/S/I: 0/0/0
Usage (DIAG rates):
        DIAGnotsics rates commands
        DIAG rates  ...OPTION can be:
EGQ -   EGQ rates calculation.
         Parameters required:
                 port - local port id
                 tc - traffic class index
SCH PS- SCH port rates calculation.
         Parameters required:
                 port - local port id
SCH FLOW-       SCH flow rates calculation.
         Parameters required:
                 flowid - flow id
PQP -   PQP rates calculation
         Parameters required:
                 port - local port id
                 tc - traffic class index
EPEP -  EPE port rates calculation
         Parameters required:
                 port - local port id
                 tc - traffic class index
EPNI -  EPNI rates calculation
         Parameters required:
                 scheme - measure bw scheme (0=measure total, 1=bw on interface, 2=bw on port, 3=bw on Q-pair, 4=bw on channel, 5=bw for mirror/not mirror (according to [bw]))
                 [bw] - bw id (if not specified uses 0 as default)

IRE -   IRE rates calculation.
         Parameters required:
                 port - local port id
IQM -   IQM rates calculation.
         Parameters required:
                 port - local port id
IPT -   IPT rates calculation.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show bundle be9 | inc Hu Hu0/7/0/0 Local Active 0x8000, 0x000f 100000000 Hu0/7/0/1 Local Active 0x8000, 0x000e 100000000 RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show qos interface BE9 input member Hu0/7/0/0 RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show qos interface BE9 output member Hu0/7/0/0 RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag nif" location 0/7/CPU0 Node ID: 0/7/CPU0 R/S/I: 0/7/0 Nif status: -------------------- Port # | Port Type | SerDes # | Rx Seq Done | Signal Lock | SerDes Rate | Input RefClk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | CAUI | 00-03 | 0xf | + | 25.773 | 156.25 5 | CAUI | 04-07 | 0x0 | - | N/A | 156.25 9 | CAUI | 08-11 | 0x0 | - | N/A | 156.25 13 | CAUI | 12-15 | 0x0 | - | N/A | 156.25 17 | CAUI | 16-19 | 0xf | + | 25.773 | 156.25 21 | CAUI | 20-23 | 0xf | + | 25.773 | 156.25 31 | ILKN | 54-59 | 0x3f | + | 27.322 | 156.25 32 | ILKN | 48-53 | 0x3f | + | 27.322 | 156.25 61 | CAUI | 60-63 | 0x0 | - | N/A | 156.25 65 | CAUI | 64-67 | 0xf | + | 25.773 | 156.25 69 | CAUI | 68-71 | 0xf | + | 25.773 | 156.25 253 | SGMII | 42 | 0x1 | + | 3.123 | 156.25 RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "diag rates EGQ port=1 tc=0" location 0/7/CPU0 Node ID: 0/7/CPU0 R/S/I: 0/7/0 local_port_id=1, otm_port=142, ps_num=1, ps_mode=0, qp_num=142 CDC_FABRIC_PACKET_CNT = 11686 Kpps (ok) CDC_IPT_PACKET_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) PRP_PACKET_IN_CNT = 855986 Kpps (ok) PRP_PACKET_GOOD_UC_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) PRP_PACKET_GOOD_MC_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) PRP_PACKET_GOOD_TDM_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) PRP_TDM_BYPASS_PACKET_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) PRP_PACKET_DISCARD_UC_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) PRP_PACKET_DISCARD_MC_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) PRP_PACKET_DISCARD_TDM_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) PRP_SOP_DISCARD_UC_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) PRP_SOP_DISCARD_MC_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) PRP_SOP_DISCARD_TDM_CNT = 0 Kpps (ok) EGQ_EHP_UNICAST_PACKET_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EGQ_EHP_MULTICAST_HIGH_PACKET_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EGQ_EHP_MULTICAST_LOW_PACKET_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EGQ_EHP_DISCARD_PACKET_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EGQ_PQP_UNICAST_PACKET_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EGQ_PQP_MULTICAST_PACKET_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EGQ_PQP_DISCARD_UNICAST_PACKET_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EGQ_PQP_DISCARD_MULTICAST_PACKET_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EGQ_FQP_PACKET_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EPNI_EPE_PACKET_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EPNI_EPE_DISCARDED_PACKETS_COUNTER = 0 Kpps (ok) EGQ_PQP_UNICAST_BYTES_COUNTER = 0 Mbps (ok) EGQ_PQP_MULTICAST_BYTES_COUNTER = 0 Mbps (ok) EPNI_EPE_BYTES_COUNTER = 0 Mbps (ok)



RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "kbp" location 0/0/CPU0

Node ID: 0/0/CPU0

R/S/I: 0/0/0
Error: output was truncated orig size = 11347
Usage (KBP): Usage:
        kbp [options]
Usage options:
        cpu_record_send    -
                MSB LSB - msb lsb data, 0 by default, add index: MSB0, MSB1 ... MSB15
                OPcode - 251 (PIORDY), 252 (PIORDX), 253 (PIOWR), 254 (RD_LUT), 255 (WR_LUT)
        cpu_lookup_reply - arad_kbp_cpu_read
        kbp mdio_write_16     - perform MDIO write transaction (on KBP)
        kbp mdio_read_16    - perform MDIO read transaction (on KBP)
        kbp mdio_write_32     - perform MDIO write transaction (on KBP NL88650)
        kbp mdio_read_32    - perform MDIO read transaction (on KBP NL88650)
        kbp mdio_write_80     - perform MDIO write transaction (on KBP NL88650). data must be hex string
        kbp mdio_read_80    - perform MDIO read transaction (on KBP NL88650)
        kbp mdio_write_64     - perform MDIO write transaction (on KBP BCM52311)
        kbp mdio_read_64    - perform MDIO read transaction (on KBP BCM52311)
                addr - addressing is different from regular 16-bit MDIO access
                       ex. mdio_*_16 use 0x0006 and 0x0007 for 32-bit scratch pad
                           mdio_*_32 use 0x0003 for 32-bit scratch pad (calculated by shift down 0x0006 or 0x0007 by 1 bit)
                           mdio_*_80 use 0x0102 for 80-bit scratch pad (calculated by shift down 0x0813 or 0x0814 by 3 bits)
        rop_write       - write to rop.
                ADdr - Address of location where data should be written. includes all :vbit, wrmode ...
                DAta Mask - data & mask , 0 by default
                ADdrShort - Address of location where data should be written.
                ValidBit - The valid bit which indicates if the database entry should be enabled or disabled
                WriteMode - needs to be 0 for DATABASE_DM or 1 for DATABASE_XY
        rop_read    -
                ADdr ValidBit see rop_write, TadaType - 0 for X and 1 for Y.
                       Print number of ROP packets/records.
                ENable - If TRUE, the ELK feature is active.
                TcamDevType - Indicate the External lookup Device type
                Ip4UcFwdTableSize - IPv4 unicast forward table size. if 0x0 forwarding done in internal DB, else done External
        kbp print <File=FILE_NAME>
                File - If specified, print KBP device configuration to file (HTML format - supported in chrome and firefox).
                       Otherwise print KBP software configuration of DBs and Instructions (available before and after calling kbp init_appl).
        kbp print master
                       Print the diagnostics of the master key.
        kbp dump_xml <FullDump=0> <Filename=./kbp_dump.xml> <KAPS=0> - default: Prints to console for external KBP
        kbp db_stats - Prints KBP DB stats
        kbp db_dump - Prints entries in KBP DB
        kbp nl88650_status_register   - read KBP status registers through MDIO
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_database_setup      
                   - perform memory setup on TCAM portion of KBP. x_pattern and y_pattern must be hex strings
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_database_verify      
                   - perform memory verification on TCAM portion of KBP. x_pattern and y_pattern must be hex strings
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_database     
                   - perform memory test on TCAM portion of KBP with optional error injection (up to 15 error injections per pass predefined)
                vbit - vbit value
                x_pattern - 80-bit X pattern
                y_pattern - 80-bit Y pattern
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_user_data_array     
                   - perform memory test on SRAM portion of KBP with optional error injection (up to 60 error injections per pass predefined)
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_user_data_array_fast_setup   
                   - perform fast memory setup on SRAM portion of KBP with the specified 32-bit pattern. KBP's AMOD pin must be pulled high
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_user_data_array_fast_verify   
                   - perform fast memory verification on SRAM portion of KBP agaisnt the specified 32-bit pattern. KBP's AMOD pin must be pulled high
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_user_data_array_fast     
                   - perform fast memory test on SRAM portion of KBP with optional error injection (up to 60 error injections per pass predefined). KBP's AMOD pin must be pulled high
                dnx_core - always 0 for ARAD since each ARAD only connects to one KBP
                           0 for first KBP connected to Jericho/Qumran core 0
                           1 for second KBP connected to Jericho/Qumran core 1
        kbp nl88650_serdes_eye_scan       - perform eye scan at KBP RX SerDes lanes
                prbs_type - supported are 7, 23 and 31
        kbp nl88650_prbs_control    - enable/disable PRBS on KBP SerDes
                prbs_type - supported are 7, 15, 23 and 31
        kbp nl88650_prbs_status   - check PRBS counters on KBP SerDes
        kbp nl88650_prbs_inject_error    - inject PRBS error on KBP TX SerDes
        kbp bcm52311_status_register    - read KBP status registers through MDIO
        kbp bcm52311_prbs_control     - enable/disable PRBS on KBP SerDes
                prbs_type - supported are 7, 9, 11, 15, 23, 31 and 58
        kbp bcm52311_prbs_status   - check PRBS counters on KBP SerDes
        kbp bcm52311_prbs_inject_error    - inject PRBS error on KBP TX SerDes
        kbp bcm52311_pcie_prbs_control    - enable/disable PCIe PRBS on KBP SerDes
                prbs_type - supported are 7, 15, 23 and 31
        kbp bcm52311_prbs_status   - check PCIe PRBS counters on KBP SerDes
        kbp bcm52311_temperature mdio_id=0x163 iteration_count=3
        kbp bcm52311_serdes_remote_loopback mdio_id=0x163 rx_lane_select=0x0FFF00FFF
        kbp bcm52311_serdes_digital_loopback mdio_id=0x163 tx_lane_select=0x0FFF00FFF
        init_kbp_interface  - Init KBP interface (DCR, ILKN...)
                mdio_id - KBP mdio ID format. Default for Negev is 0x101
                          bits [5:6,8:9] - bus ID.
                          bit [7] - Internal select. Set to 0 for external phy access.
                          bits [0:4] - phy/kbp id.
        device_fix_errors  - Repair correctable errors in the KBP.
        init_arad_interface - Init Arad interface towards the KBP (EGW)
        mdio_read_16 mdio_id=0x163 device_id=0x00 addr=0x004C
        mdio_read_64 mdio_id=0x163 device_id=0x00 addr=0x004C
        op_status_registers mdio_id=0x163 num_lanes=12 <File=filename>
        sdk_ver - prints the KBP lib version
        ipv6_pfx_dist - prints the KBP IPv6 prefix distribution
        kaps_arm <File=filename> <LoadFile=0/1> <CpuHalt=0/1> - Load KAPS ARM FW file to memory and run it.
                File     - ARM FW load file name.
                LoadFile - If clear, ARM FW file will not be loaded. Default: 1.
                CpuHalt  - If set, ARM CPU will stay in Halt. Default: 0.
        kbp kaps_show  <CountOnly=1> - Prints the table contents in 0xData/valid_num_of_bits/max_num_of_bits format.
        kbp kaps_db_stats - prints kaps DB KBP SDK stats
        kbp kaps_db_dnx_stats  - Prints kaps table DNX SDK stats
        kbp kaps_hitbit <table=DBAL_TBL_NAME> <enable=0/1> - Enable hitbit bookkeeping per DBAL KAPS table. Note it also clears the table.
        kbp kaps_search <IPV4_UC=1>/<IPV4_MC=1> <vrf=3> <dip=> <sip=> <mc_group=0xE0E0E001> <inrif=2>
        kbp kaps_search <IPV6_UC=1>/<IPV6_MC=1> <vrf=3> <inrif=2> <sip6=0100:1600:3500:6400:0000:0000:0000:0000> <dip6=0100:1600:5500:7800:0000:0000:0000:0000>
        kbp kaps_arm_thread <enable_dma_thread=1> <print_status=1> - Enables and disables the KAPS DMA thread. Also prints thread related information.
        kbp TestAddMeasureRate
        kbp TestAclAddMeasureRate
        In order to allow insertion rate for KBP, uncomment the flag ARAD_PP_KBP_TIME_MEASUREMENTS under sand_low_level.h
        And compile again.
        kbp cpu_record_send OPcode=255 MSB5=1 LSBenable=0
        kbp cpu_lookup_reply
        kbp rop_read addr=0x00000102
        kbp rop_write addr=0x0000010b ADdrShort=0x00000000 data=0x0000000000000000ffff
        kbp init_kbp_interface mdio_id=257 ilkn_rev=1
        kbp test_ip4_rpf_appl NumEntries=2048 RecordBaseTbl0=0x55551234 RecordBaseTbl1=0xeeee1234 ADValTbl0=0xdead0620 ADValTbl1=0xbeaf8321
        kbp init_appl enable=1 tcamdevtype=1 Ip4UcFwdTableSize=8192 Ip4McFwdTableSize=8192
        kbp kaps_arm file=opsw_test_secded.hex00
        kbp dma_init
        kbp dma_enable
        kbp dma_config
        kbp dma_test
        kbp dma_show
        kbp nl88650_status_register mdio_id=0x161
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_database_setup dnx_core=0 mdio_id=0x161 verify_duration_in_usec=1000000 vbit=0x1 x_pattern=0x5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A y_pattern=0xA5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_database_verify dnx_core=0 mdio_id=0x161 verify_duration_in_usec=60000000 vbit=0x1 x_pattern=0x5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A y_pattern=0xA5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5A5
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_database dnx_core=0 mdio_id=0x161 test_duration_in_usec=60000000 inject_error_addr_count_1st_pass=0 inject_error_addr_count_2nd_pass=0
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_user_data_array dnx_core=0 mdio_id=0x161 test_iteration_count=1 inject_error_addr_count_1st_pass=0 inject_error_addr_count_2nd_pass=0
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_user_data_array_fast_setup dnx_core=0 mdio_id=0x161 pattern=0xA5A5A5A5
        kbp nl88650_memory_test_user_data_array_fast_verify dnx_core

show controllers fia diagshell 0 "kbp db_stats" location 0/0/CPU0



RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "PortStat" location 0/0/CPU0

Node ID: 0/0/CPU0

R/S/I: 0/0/0
                 ena/    speed/ link auto    STP                  lrn  inter   max  loop
           port  link    duplex scan neg?   state   pause  discrd ops   face frame  back
       ce1(  1)  !ena  100G  FD   SW  No   Disable                 FA   CAUI  1514
       ce5(  5)  !ena  100G  FD   SW  No   Disable                 FA   CAUI  1514
       ce9(  9)  !ena  100G  FD   SW  No   Disable                 FA   CAUI  1514
      ce13( 13)  !ena  100G  FD   SW  No   Disable                 FA   CAUI  1514
      ce17( 17)  up    100G  FD   SW  No   Disable                 FA   CAUI  9212
      ce21( 21)  up    100G  FD   SW  No   Disable                 FA   CAUI  9212
      il31( 31)  up   27.3G  FD None  No   Disable                  D   ILKN     0
      il32( 32)  up   27.3G  FD None  No   Disable                  D   ILKN     0
      ce61( 61)  !ena  100G  FD   SW  No   Disable                 FA   CAUI  1514
      ce65( 65)  !ena  100G  FD   SW  No   Disable                 FA   CAUI  1514
      ce69( 69)  !ena  100G  FD   SW  No   Disable                 FA   CAUI  1514
     ge253(253)  up    2.5G  FD None  No   Forward     RX          FA  SGMII 16360
    sfi256(256)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi257(257)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi258(258)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi259(259)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi260(260)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi261(261)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi262(262)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi263(263)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi264(264)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi265(265)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi266(266)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi267(267)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi268(268)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi269(269)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi270(270)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi271(271)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi272(272)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi273(273)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi274(274)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi275(275)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi276(276)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi277(277)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi278(278)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi279(279)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi280(280)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi281(281)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi282(282)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi283(283)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi284(284)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi285(285)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi286(286)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi287(287)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi288(288)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi289(289)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi290(290)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi291(291)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi292(292)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi293(293)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi294(294)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi295(295)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi296(296)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi297(297)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi298(298)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi299(299)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi300(300)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi301(301)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi302(302)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0
    sfi303(303)  up     25G  FD None  No   Disable                  D     KR     0

# To convert these to port bitmaps see:
show controllers fia diagshell 0 "help pbmp" location 0/0/CPU0
show controllers fia diagshell 0 "PBMP ce1" location 0/0/CPU0
show controllers fia diagshell 0 "PBMP ce5" location 0/0/CPU0

show controllers fia diagshell 0 "port ce1" location 0/0/CPU0

# Sadly this doesn't work :(
show controllers fia diagshell 0 "PortMod eyescan port=ce1" location 0/0/CPU0)

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "PortMod info port" location 0/0/CPU0

Node ID: 0/0/CPU0

R/S/I: 0/0/0
port | alias | PM id | port type | phys | mac
 001 |       |   00  | CAUI      | 001 - 004  | CLMAC
 005 |       |   01  | CAUI      | 005 - 008  | CLMAC
 009 |       |   02  | CAUI      | 009 - 012  | CLMAC
 013 |       |   03  | CAUI      | 013 - 016  | CLMAC
 017 |       |   04  | CAUI      | 017 - 020  | CLMAC
 021 |       |   05  | CAUI      | 021 - 024  | CLMAC
 031 |       |   34  | ILKN      | 055 - 060  | XLMAC
 032 |       |   34  | ILKN      | 049 - 054  | XLMAC
 061 |       |   09  | CAUI      | 061 - 064  | CLMAC
 065 |       |   10  | CAUI      | 065 - 068  | CLMAC
 069 |       |   11  | CAUI      | 069 - 072  | CLMAC
 253 |       |   16  | SGMII     | 043  | XLMAC
 256 |       |   20  | SFI       | 192  | XLMAC
 257 |       |   20  | SFI       | 193  | XLMAC
 258 |       |   20  | SFI       | 194  | XLMAC
 259 |       |   20  | SFI       | 195  | XLMAC
 260 |       |   21  | SFI       | 196  | XLMAC
 261 |       |   21  | SFI       | 197  | XLMAC
 262 |       |   21  | SFI       | 198  | XLMAC
 263 |       |   21  | SFI       | 199  | XLMAC
 264 |       |   22  | SFI       | 200  | XLMAC
 265 |       |   22  | SFI       | 201  | XLMAC
 266 |       |   22  | SFI       | 202  | XLMAC
 267 |       |   22  | SFI       | 203  | XLMAC
 268 |       |   23  | SFI       | 204  | XLMAC
 269 |       |   23  | SFI       | 205  | XLMAC
 270 |       |   23  | SFI       | 206  | XLMAC
 271 |       |   23  | SFI       | 207  | XLMAC
 272 |       |   24  | SFI       | 208  | XLMAC
 273 |       |   24  | SFI       | 209  | XLMAC
 274 |       |   24  | SFI       | 210  | XLMAC
 275 |       |   24  | SFI       | 211  | XLMAC
 276 |       |   25  | SFI       | 212  | XLMAC
 277 |       |   25  | SFI       | 213  | XLMAC
 278 |       |   25  | SFI       | 214  | XLMAC
 279 |       |   25  | SFI       | 215  | XLMAC
 280 |       |   26  | SFI       | 216  | XLMAC
 281 |       |   26  | SFI       | 217  | XLMAC
 282 |       |   26  | SFI       | 218  | XLMAC
 283 |       |   26  | SFI       | 219  | XLMAC
 284 |       |   27  | SFI       | 220  | XLMAC
 285 |       |   27  | SFI       | 221  | XLMAC
 286 |       |   27  | SFI       | 222  | XLMAC
 287 |       |   27  | SFI       | 223  | XLMAC
 288 |       |   28  | SFI       | 224  | XLMAC
 289 |       |   28  | SFI       | 225  | XLMAC
 290 |       |   28  | SFI       | 226  | XLMAC
 291 |       |   28  | SFI       | 227  | XLMAC
 292 |       |   29  | SFI       | 228  | XLMAC
 293 |       |   29  | SFI       | 229  | XLMAC
 294 |       |   29  | SFI       | 230  | XLMAC
 295 |       |   29  | SFI       | 231  | XLMAC
 296 |       |   30  | SFI       | 232  | XLMAC
 297 |       |   30  | SFI       | 233  | XLMAC
 298 |       |   30  | SFI       | 234  | XLMAC
 299 |       |   30  | SFI       | 235  | XLMAC
 300 |       |   31  | SFI       | 236  | XLMAC
 301 |       |   31  | SFI       | 237  | XLMAC
 302 |       |   31  | SFI       | 238  | XLMAC
 303 |       |   31  | SFI       | 239  | XLMAC

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:lab#show controllers fia diagshell 0 "PortMod info pm" location 0/0/CPU0

Node ID: 0/0/CPU0

R/S/I: 0/0/0
 PM id |    type     |    phys    | logic ports
   00  | Pm4x25      | 001 - 004  |001
   01  | Pm4x25      | 005 - 008  |005
   02  | Pm4x25      | 009 - 012  |009
   03  | Pm4x25      | 013 - 016  |013
   04  | Pm4x25      | 017 - 020  |017
   05  | Pm4x25      | 021 - 024  |021
   06  | Pm4x25      | 049 - 052  |no port attached
   07  | Pm4x25      | 053 - 056  |no port attached
   08  | Pm4x25      | 057 - 060  |no port attached
   09  | Pm4x25      | 061 - 064  |061
   10  | Pm4x25      | 065 - 068  |065
   11  | Pm4x25      | 069 - 072  |069
   12  | Pm4x10      | 025 - 028  |no port attached
   13  | Pm4x10      | 029 - 032  |no port attached
   14  | Pm4x10      | 033 - 036  |no port attached
   15  | Pm4x10      | 037 - 040  |no port attached
   16  | Pm4x10      | 041 - 044  |253
   17  | Pm4x10Q     | 041 - 044  |no port attached
   18  | Pm4x10      | 045 - 048  |no port attached
   19  | Pm4x10Q     | 045 - 048  |no port attached
   20  | Dnx_fabric  | 192 - 195  |256 - 259
   21  | Dnx_fabric  | 196 - 199  |260 - 263
   22  | Dnx_fabric  | 200 - 203  |264 - 267
   23  | Dnx_fabric  | 204 - 207  |268 - 271
   24  | Dnx_fabric  | 208 - 211  |272 - 275
   25  | Dnx_fabric  | 212 - 215  |276 - 279
   26  | Dnx_fabric  | 216 - 219  |280 - 283
   27  | Dnx_fabric  | 220 - 223  |284 - 287
   28  | Dnx_fabric  | 224 - 227  |288 - 291
   29  | Dnx_fabric  | 228 - 231  |292 - 295
   30  | Dnx_fabric  | 232 - 235  |296 - 299
   31  | Dnx_fabric  | 236 - 239  |300 - 303
   32  | PmOsILKN    | 001 - 024  |no port attached
   33  | PmOsILKN    | 025 - 048  |no port attached
   34  | PmOsILKN    | 049 - 072  |031 - 032