Date created: Thursday, November 3, 2016 3:42:19 PM. Last modified: Friday, January 13, 2017 12:17:57 PM
gRPC on IOS-XR Setup
This is the initial config applied to an IOS-XRv 6.1.1 image:
telnet vrf default ipv4 server max-servers 10 username vagrant group root-lr group cisco-support secret 5 $1$FXeb$aLMudSH4.B8BK1IYlIm.j. ! tpa address-family ipv4 update-source MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0 ! ! control-plane management-plane out-of-band interface all allow all ! ! ! ! interface Loopback0 ipv4 address ! interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0 ipv4 address dhcp ! community-set public_ipv4_prefixes 65001:4 end-set ! community-set public_ipv6_prefixes 65001:6 end-set ! community-set peering_ipv4_prefixes 65001:44 end-set ! community-set peering_ipv6_prefixes 65001:66 end-set ! route-policy public_v4_peering_egress if community matches-any public_ipv4_prefixes then pass else drop endif # Permit prefix with public IPv4 community only end-policy ! route-policy public_v6_peering_egress if community matches-any public_ipv6_prefixes then pass else drop endif # Permit prefix with public IPv6 community only end-policy ! route-policy public_v4_peering_ingress set community peering_ipv4_prefixes # Tag ingress public peering v4 prefixes end-policy ! route-policy public_v6_peering_ingress set community peering_ipv6_prefixes # Tag ingress public peering v6 prefixes end-policy ! router static address-family ipv4 unicast MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0 ! ! router bgp 65001 bgp router-id address-family ipv4 unicast ! address-family ipv6 unicast ! neighbor-group public_v4_peers address-family ipv4 unicast route-policy public_v4_peering_ingress in route-policy public_v4_peering_egress out ! ! neighbor-group public_v6_peers address-family ipv6 unicast route-policy public_v6_peering_ingress in route-policy public_v6_peering_egress out ! ! ! grpc port 57777 tls ! xml agent ! netconf agent tty ! netconf-yang agent ssh ! ssh server v2 ssh server vrf default ssh server netconf vrf default end
Next one can grab the running BGP config serialised as JSON over gRPC using the Cisco gRPC python library, note the Cisco IOS-XR IPv4 BGP YANG model reference is commented out in favour of the OpenConfig model:
(venv) bensley@ubuntu-laptop:~/Python/pyb_xml/ios-xr-grpc-python-master/examples$ cat # Need Cisco GRPC python library # # And this example is using gRPC over TLS so need to SCP certificate # off of the IOS-XRv device and change the below .pem path # # Credit: # import json from grpc.framework.interfaces.face.face import AbortionError import sys sys.path.insert(0, '../') from lib.cisco_grpc_client import CiscoGRPCClient def main(): ''' To not use tls we need to do 2 things. 1. Comment the variables creds and options out 2. Remove creds and options CiscoGRPCClient ex: client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant') ''' creds = open('/home/bensley/Python/pyb_xml/IOS-XRv611-grpc.pem').read() options = '' client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant', creds, options) #path = '{"Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv4-bgp-cfg:bgp": [null]}' path = '{"openconfig-bgp:bgp": [null]}' try: err, result = client.getconfig(path) if err: print err print json.dumps(json.loads(result), indent=4) except AbortionError: print( 'Unable to connect to local box, check your gRPC destination.' ) if __name__ == '__main__': main() (venv) bensley@ubuntu-laptop:~/Python/pyb_xml/ios-xr-grpc-python-master/examples$ python { "openconfig-bgp:bgp": { "peer-groups": { "peer-group": [ { "config": { "peer-group-name": "public_v4_peers" }, "peer-group-name": "public_v4_peers", "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "apply-policy": { "config": { "import-policy": [ "public_v4_peering_ingress" ], "export-policy": [ "public_v4_peering_egress" ] } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" } ] } }, { "config": { "peer-group-name": "public_v6_peers" }, "peer-group-name": "public_v6_peers", "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "apply-policy": { "config": { "import-policy": [ "public_v6_peering_ingress" ], "export-policy": [ "public_v6_peering_egress" ] } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" } ] } } ] }, "global": { "config": { "as": 65001, "router-id": "" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, { "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" } ] } } } }
Using a previously written script one can now generate BGP configuration derived from OpenConfig YANG models and serialise this as JOSN: /index.php?page=example-2-public-peering-using-openconfig
This is the output from the script showing the JSON config that was generated, the running BGP config before and after:
bensley@ubuntu-laptop:~/Python/pyb_oc$ python 1016 Open peering networks config: { "openconfig-bgp:bgp": { "neighbors": { "neighbor": [ { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 48294, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Spectrum Internet Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 35 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 59455, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Clearstream Technology Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 30 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::a6c1:1", "config": { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::a6c1:1", "peer-as": 42689, "peer-group": "public_v6_peers", "description": "Cablecom Networking Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "ipv6-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 5 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 31595, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Datacentres Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 10 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::bca6:1", "config": { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::bca6:1", "peer-as": 48294, "peer-group": "public_v6_peers", "description": "Spectrum Internet Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "ipv6-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 2 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 8714, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "LINX Route Servers" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 115000 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::220a:1", "config": { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::220a:1", "peer-as": 8714, "peer-group": "public_v6_peers", "description": "LINX Route Servers" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "ipv6-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 15500 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 201353, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Net Support UK Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 2 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 42689, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Cablecom Networking Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 20 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 8468, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Entanet International Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 500 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::2114:1", "config": { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::2114:1", "peer-as": 8468, "peer-group": "public_v6_peers", "description": "Entanet International Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast", "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "ipv6-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 25 } } } } ] } } ] } } } Running BGP config before: { "openconfig-bgp:bgp": { "peer-groups": { "peer-group": [ { "config": { "peer-group-name": "public_v4_peers" }, "peer-group-name": "public_v4_peers", "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "apply-policy": { "config": { "import-policy": [ "public_v4_peering_ingress" ], "export-policy": [ "public_v4_peering_egress" ] } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" } ] } }, { "config": { "peer-group-name": "public_v6_peers" }, "peer-group-name": "public_v6_peers", "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "apply-policy": { "config": { "import-policy": [ "public_v6_peering_ingress" ], "export-policy": [ "public_v6_peering_egress" ] } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" } ] } } ] }, "global": { "config": { "as": 65001, "router-id": "" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, { "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" } ] } } } } Running BGP config after: { "openconfig-bgp:bgp": { "neighbors": { "neighbor": [ { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 59455, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Clearstream Technology Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 30 } } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 48294, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Spectrum Internet Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 35 } } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 201353, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Net Support UK Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 2 } } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 31595, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Datacentres Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 10 } } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 42689, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Cablecom Networking Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 20 } } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 8468, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "Entanet International Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 500 } } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "", "config": { "neighbor-address": "", "peer-as": 8714, "peer-group": "public_v4_peers", "description": "LINX Route Servers" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "ipv4-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 115000 } } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::2114:1", "config": { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::2114:1", "peer-as": 8468, "peer-group": "public_v6_peers", "description": "Entanet International Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast", "ipv6-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 25 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::220a:1", "config": { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::220a:1", "peer-as": 8714, "peer-group": "public_v6_peers", "description": "LINX Route Servers" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast", "ipv6-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 15500 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::a6c1:1", "config": { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::a6c1:1", "peer-as": 42689, "peer-group": "public_v6_peers", "description": "Cablecom Networking Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast", "ipv6-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 5 } } } } ] } }, { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::bca6:1", "config": { "neighbor-address": "2001:7f8:4:4::bca6:1", "peer-as": 48294, "peer-group": "public_v6_peers", "description": "Spectrum Internet Ltd" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast", "ipv6-unicast": { "prefix-limit": { "config": { "shutdown-threshold-pct": 90, "restart-timer": 1, "max-prefixes": 2 } } } } ] } } ] }, "peer-groups": { "peer-group": [ { "config": { "peer-group-name": "public_v4_peers" }, "peer-group-name": "public_v4_peers", "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "apply-policy": { "config": { "import-policy": [ "public_v4_peering_ingress" ], "export-policy": [ "public_v4_peering_egress" ] } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" } ] } }, { "config": { "peer-group-name": "public_v6_peers" }, "peer-group-name": "public_v6_peers", "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "apply-policy": { "config": { "import-policy": [ "public_v6_peering_ingress" ], "export-policy": [ "public_v6_peering_egress" ] } }, "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" } ] } } ] }, "global": { "config": { "as": 65001, "router-id": "" }, "afi-safis": { "afi-safi": [ { "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv4-unicast" }, { "config": { "enabled": true, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" }, "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:ipv6-unicast" } ] } } } } Restrictive peering networks: None.
This is the output on the device console:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run router bgp Tue Nov 8 14:41:27.461 UTC router bgp 65001 bgp router-id address-family ipv4 unicast ! address-family ipv6 unicast ! neighbor-group public_v4_peers address-family ipv4 unicast route-policy public_v4_peering_ingress in route-policy public_v4_peering_egress out ! ! neighbor-group public_v6_peers address-family ipv6 unicast route-policy public_v6_peering_ingress in route-policy public_v6_peering_egress out ! ! ! RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Nov 8 14:47:54.509 : emsd[1083]: %MGBL-CONFIG-6-DB_COMMIT : Configuration committed by user 'vagrant'. Use 'show configuration commit changes 1000000041' to view the changes. RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show run router bgp Tue Nov 8 14:49:02.352 UTC router bgp 65001 bgp router-id address-family ipv4 unicast ! address-family ipv6 unicast ! neighbor-group public_v4_peers address-family ipv4 unicast route-policy public_v4_peering_ingress in route-policy public_v4_peering_egress out ! ! neighbor-group public_v6_peers address-family ipv6 unicast route-policy public_v6_peering_ingress in route-policy public_v6_peering_egress out ! ! neighbor remote-as 59455 use neighbor-group public_v4_peers description Clearstream Technology Ltd address-family ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix 30 90 restart 1 ! ! neighbor remote-as 48294 use neighbor-group public_v4_peers description Spectrum Internet Ltd address-family ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix 35 90 restart 1 ! ! neighbor remote-as 201353 use neighbor-group public_v4_peers description Net Support UK Ltd address-family ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix 2 90 restart 1 ! ! neighbor remote-as 31595 use neighbor-group public_v4_peers description Datacentres Ltd address-family ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix 10 90 restart 1 ! ! neighbor remote-as 42689 use neighbor-group public_v4_peers description Cablecom Networking Ltd address-family ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix 20 90 restart 1 ! ! neighbor remote-as 8468 use neighbor-group public_v4_peers description Entanet International Ltd address-family ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix 500 90 restart 1 ! ! neighbor remote-as 8714 use neighbor-group public_v4_peers description LINX Route Servers address-family ipv4 unicast maximum-prefix 115000 90 restart 1 ! ! neighbor 2001:7f8:4:4::2114:1 remote-as 8468 use neighbor-group public_v6_peers description Entanet International Ltd address-family ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix 25 90 restart 1 ! ! neighbor 2001:7f8:4:4::220a:1 remote-as 8714 use neighbor-group public_v6_peers description LINX Route Servers address-family ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix 15500 90 restart 1 ! ! neighbor 2001:7f8:4:4::a6c1:1 remote-as 42689 use neighbor-group public_v6_peers description Cablecom Networking Ltd address-family ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix 5 90 restart 1 ! ! neighbor 2001:7f8:4:4::bca6:1 remote-as 48294 use neighbor-group public_v6_peers description Spectrum Internet Ltd address-family ipv6 unicast maximum-prefix 2 90 restart 1 ! ! !
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