Date created: Sunday, March 13, 2011 9:40:50 PM. Last modified: Friday, September 15, 2017 10:38:40 AM
Image Rotor
After seeing a random image/banner rotator written in PHP whilst looking at a Drupal site, I decided to write my own. This simply needs to be point ad a directory that contains the images that require rotation (upon page refresh). Its similar to the Drupal rotator I saw except the Drupal rotator printed out a random image as a raw picture rathen than in HTML.
Also, the main reason I wrote this alternate is becuase I needed a rotator that supported image maps. By placing a text document in the images directory with the same name as an image, it will be loaded and used as an image map;
<?php /* * Banner/image rotator with link maps, * James Bensley, 02-2011 * */ // Is rotating on (1) or shall we show the default banner (0) $rotating = 1; // Full path to the folder where the images are [with trailing slash] $imageFolder = '/home/r00tb00t/www/'; // HTTP path to be returned in to the page [with trailing slash] $httpPath = '/img/'; // Default image used when banner rotation is turned off (inside the imageFolder path) $defaultImage = 'selfphoto.jpg'; // Array of allowed file extensions and mime type mappings [lower case only] $fileTypes = array(); $fileTypes[0] = 'gif'; $fileTypes[1] = 'jpeg'; $fileTypes[2] = 'jpg'; $fileTypes[3] = 'png'; //$imageInfo = null; if(!is_dir($imageFolder)) // Make sure a valid image folder is supplied { echo $imageFolder.' is not a directory dummy!'; die(); } if ($rotating==0) // If we aren't rotating show our default banner { $imageInfo = pathinfo($imageFolder.$defaultImage); if (file_exists($imageFolder.$imageInfo['basename'])) // Make sure the default file exists { displayImg(pathinfo($imageFolder.$defaultImage), $imageFolder, $httpPath); // Pass the image on to be displayed }else{ echo 'Default image doesn\'t exist you buffoon!'.$httpPath.$defaultImage; die(); } }else // Else, we are rotating so get a list of images in the banners folder { $fileList = array(); $handle = opendir($imageFolder); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { for($i=0;$i<count($fileTypes);$i++) { // Check this image is a permited file type $imageInfo = pathinfo($file); if ($fileTypes[$i] == strtolower($imageInfo['extension'])) { $fileList[] = $file; // build up a list } } } closedir($handle); if (count($fileList) > 0) { // Once we have built up a list, that actually has stuff in it!.. $imageNumber = rand(0, (count($fileList)-1)); // Randomly pick one and parse it on to the display function displayImg(pathinfo($fileList[$imageNumber]), $imageFolder, $httpPath); //Admittedly the random part above is a bit weak but I don't care, I'm not counting the bloody occurrences! }else{ echo 'There are no images in the image folder dummy!'; die(); } } // This function will display the image parsed but also check to see if a text file exists // of the same name, which can contain an image map, if so it will be used function displayImg($img, $baseFolder, $baseURL) { $mapFile = $baseFolder.$img['filename'].'.txt'; if(file_exists($mapFile)) // Check for a link map { echo '<img src="'.$baseURL.$img['basename'].'" usemap="#bannermap">'; include($mapFile); }else{ echo '<img src="'.$baseURL.$img['basename'].'">'; } } ?>Example image map:
<map name="bannermap"> <area shape="rect" coords="38,18,147,112" href="/" alt="Home" /> <area shape="rect" coords="206,39,270,99" href="anotherpage" alt="Another Page" /> <area shape="rect" coords="270,62,375,83" href="andathird.html" alt="The Third Page" /> </map>
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