Date created: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 5:43:06 PM. Last modified: Thursday, November 16, 2017 3:44:47 PM

IP SLA PSN Example

This example IP SLA configuration sends udp-jitter probes that match into each of the 7 configured example PSN traffic classes to meet the below example requirements. UDP-jitter probes are used (instead of say UDP-echo) because they measure jitter, one way delay, RTT and packet loss.

Most importantly the following config would start all 7 probes individually but at the same time:

ip sla schedule 1 life forever start-time now
ip sla schedule 2 life forever start-time now
ip sla schedule 3 life forever start-time now
ip sla schedule 4 life forever start-time now
ip sla schedule 5 life forever start-time now
ip sla schedule 6 life forever start-time now
ip sla schedule 7 life forever start-time now

This is not used and instead a group scheduler is used with a random offset so that each probe starts at a random point within a given 15 minute interval and they are all re-run within each 15 minute interval. These are the example PSN IP SLA requirements;

-Send test messages of 200 packets for each of the test PSN classes every 15 minutes, for each pair of end-points being monitored
-Send 19200 packets in a 24-hour period for each pair of end-points being monitored...provide figures for two-way latency, jitter and packet loss for that 24-hour period
-Initiate the measurement at a random point in each 15 minute window
-Use packet sizes appropriate to the class of service for all classes of service (eg the PSN real-time service class must use a payload of 60 bytes to simulate the G.729 VoIP codec; all other PSN service class probes shall be based on 400 byte IP datagrams)
-Have a last packet timeout of 500 milliseconds

Below the class maps used to identify each class are provided for reference:

! Example PSN traffic class maps
class-map match-any NC
 match mpls experimental topmost 6
 match mpls experimental topmost 7
 match dscp cs6
 match dscp cs7
class-map match-any REALTIME
 match mpls experimental topmost 5
 match dscp ef
 match dscp cs5
class-map match-any PSN-APP-4
 match mpls experimental topmost 1
 match dscp af11
 match dscp af12
 match dscp af13
 match dscp cs1
class-map match-any PSN-APP-1
 match mpls experimental topmost 4
 match dscp af41
 match dscp af42
 match dscp af43
 match dscp cs4
class-map match-any PSN-APP-2
 match mpls experimental topmost 3
 match dscp af31
 match dscp af32
 match dscp af33
 match dscp cs3
class-map match-any PSN-APP-3
 match mpls experimental topmost 2
 match dscp af21
 match dscp af22
 match dscp af23
 match dscp cs2

! NC class
ip sla 1
 udp-jitter 11000 source-ip source-port 11000 num-packets 200
 request-data-size 400
 tos 224 ! CS7
 frequency 900
 threshold 500
 timeout 500
 tag PSN-NC-Class

! REALTIME class
ip sla 2
 udp-jitter 12000 source-ip source-port 12000 codec g729a codec-numpackets 200 codec-size 60
 tos 184 ! EF
 frequency 900
 threshold 500
 timeout 500

! PSN-APP-1 class
ip sla 3
 udp-jitter 13000 source-ip source-port 13000 num-packets 200
 request-data-size 400
 tos 152 ! AF43
 frequency 900
 threshold 500
 timeout 500
 tag PSN-APP-1-Class

! PSN-APP-2 class
ip sla 4
 udp-jitter 14000 source-ip source-port 14000 num-packets 200
 request-data-size 400
 tos 120 ! AF33
 frequency 900
 threshold 500
 timeout 500
 tag PSN-APP-2-Class

! PSN-APP-3 class
ip sla 5
 udp-jitter 15000 source-ip source-port 15000 num-packets 200
 request-data-size 400
 tos 88 ! AF23
 frequency 900
 threshold 500
 timeout 500
 tag PSN-APP-3-Class

! PSN-APP-4 class
ip sla 6
 udp-jitter 16000 source-ip source-port 16000 num-packets 200
 request-data-size 400
 tos 56 ! AF13
 frequency 900
 threshold 500
 timeout 500
 tag PSN-APP-4-Class

! Defaut class
ip sla 7
 udp-jitter 17000 source-ip source-port 17000 num-packets 200
 request-data-size 400
 tos 0
 frequency 900
 threshold 500
 timeout 500
 tag Default-Class

ip sla group schedule 1 1-7 schedule-period 900 frequency range 901-1800 start-time now life forever