Date created: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 10:58:46 PM. Last modified: Thursday, April 13, 2023 11:47:30 AM
Multiple IP Pinger
Ping sweep across single or multiple IPs;
#!/bin/bash # # James Bensley - 2012 - # Ping multiple IPs from a file (./iplist) or a single IP specified # interactively on the CLI. Choose to only display failed pings or # both successful and failed pings. Defaults: # # Delay between each round of pings: 1 second # Delay between each individual ping: 1 second # Echos sent to each IP in each round of pings: 1 # Max echo requests loss threshold: 1 # Display successful pings and failed pings: no echo "Ping single IP or multiple (assumes ./iplist exists with one IP per line):" select result in Single Multiple do if [ "$result" == "Multiple" ] then # Make sure a list file exists if [ -e iplist ] then # And that its not empty ips=($(cat iplist)) if [ ${#ips[@]} -lt 1 ] then echo "./iplist is empty" exit fi else echo "Please create file 'iplist' with one IP per line" exit fi else echo "Enter single IP address:" read ips fi break done echo -n "Delay between ping sweeps in seconds [1]: " read input if [ "$input" == "" ] then input=1 fi loopdelay=$input echo -n "Delay between echos in seconds [1]: " read input if [ "$intput" == "" ] then input=1 fi echodelay=$input echo -n "Echos sent to each IP in each sweep [1]: " read input if [ "$input" == "" ] then input=1 fi if [ $input -lt 1 ] then input=1 fi echocount=$input echo -n "Echo loss threshold to each IP each sweep [1]: " read input if [ "$input" == "" ] then input=1 fi if [ $input -lt 1 ] then input=1 fi echothreshold=$input echo -n "Display successful echos [n]: " read input if [ "$input" == "" ] then input="n" fi if [ "$input" != "n" ] && [ "$input" != "y" ] then input="n" fi displaysuccess="$input" loopcount=0 #loopdelay=1 #echocount=1 #echothreshold=1 #echodelay=1 echossent=0 echosfailed=0 startdate=`date` echo -e "\nStarting at: $startdate" echo "Loop delay (seconds): $loopdelay" echo "Echo count per IP: $echocount" echo "Echo loss threshold per IP: $echothreshold" echo -e "Echo delay (seconds): $echodelay\n" trap exitstats 2 3 15 exitstats() { echosreceived=`expr $echossent - $echosfailed` receivedpercent=`echo "scale=6; ($echosreceived/$echossent) * 100" | bc` elapsedseconds=`expr $loopcount \* $loopdelay` echo "$secondselapsed" echo -e "\nTimbeeeeer! : `date`" echo "Started at: $startdate" echo "Loop iterations: $loopcount" echo "Run time: `awk -v seconds=$elapsedseconds 'BEGIN {print strftime("%H:%M:%S", seconds, 1)}'`" echo "Echo count per IP: $echocount" echo "Echo loss threshold per IP: $echothreshold" echo "Echo delay (seconds): $echodelay" echo "Echos sent: $echossent" echo "Replies received: $echosreceived" echo "Replies lost: $echosfailed" echo "Success rate: $receivedpercent%" exit } while true do loopcount=$(($loopcount+1)) for host in ${ips[@]} do result=$(ping -c $echocount -i $echodelay -s 56 -W 1 $host) count=$(echo "$result" | grep -c "64 bytes") if [ "$displaysuccess" == "y" ] then echo "`date` : $(echo "$result" | grep "64 bytes")" fi echossent=$(($echossent+$count)) if [ $count -lt $echothreshold ] then let echosfailed=echosfailed+`expr $echothreshold - $count` echo "Failed attempt: $loopcount Host: $host Replies: $count Time: `date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`" fi done sleep $loopdelay done
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