Date created: Monday, October 7, 2019 8:16:40 AM. Last modified: Monday, October 7, 2019 8:16:40 AM

QinQinQ over Epipe and VPLS (7210 SAS-X)

Support for processing of packets received with more than 2 tags on a QinQ SAP in Epipe service (only on 7210 SAS devices configured in network mode)

To forward packets with 2 or more tags using a QinQ SAP, a new Epipe service type is available for use when 7210 SAS devices are operating in ‘network’ mode. This new service will allow for configuration of a QinQ SAP as one endpoint and the following service entities as the other endpoint:
• MPLS spoke-SDP with vc-type set to vc-vlan.
→ The vc-vlan-tag to be must match the inner-tag VLAN ID value specified in the QinQ SAP.
• dot1q SAP
→ The VLAN value configured for the dot1q SAP must match the inner-tag VLAN ID value of the QinQ SAP.
• QinQ SAP
→ The VLAN ID value configured for the innter tag (that is, value of Q1 tag) of the QinQ SAP (that is, Q1.Q2 SAP) must be the same as the inner tag VLAN ID value of the other QinQ SAP.

The device will process the packet as given below in the forward direction:
• If the packet is received on a QinQ SAP, assign an incoming packet to this service based on matching the outermost two tags in the packet header (i.e. in other words the first two tags in the packet header). It will strip only the outermost tag (only a single tag) on ingress and forward the rest on to the other endpoint in the service (see below).
• If the other endpoint the packet is sent out of is a MPLS SDP, then MPLS encapsulation is added.
• If the other endpoint the packet is sent out of is a dot1q SAP packet is forwarded as is, without any egress VLAN checks. It is expected that operator will ensure that the inner tag of the packet matches the dot1q VLAN value.
• If the other endpoint the packet is sent out of is another QinQ SAP (fo example, Q1.Q2 SAP), then another tag (that is, Q2 tag) is added to the packet and sent out of the QinQ SAP.

In the reverse direction, the device will process the packet as given below:
• When traffic is received on the MPLS SDP, the vc-vlan tag is retained as is and the VLAN tag corresponding to the outermost tag configured for the QinQ SAP (i.e. the other endpoint) is added to the packet. The system does not match the vc-vlan tag received in the packet with the configured value (i.e. the inner tag of the QinQ SAP). It is expected that operator will configure both end of the service appropriately to ensure only appropriate packets enter the service.
• When traffic is received on the dot1q SAP, the outermost tag is not stripped and the VLAN tag corresponding to the outermost tag configured for the QinQ SAP is added to the packet.
• If the packet is received on a QinQ SAP, assign an incoming packet to this service based on matching the outermost two tags in the packet header (that is, in other words the first two tags in the packet header). It will strip only the outermost tag (only a single tag) on ingress. The VLAN tag corresponding to the outermost tag configured for the QinQ SAP (that is, the other endpoint) is added to the packet and it is sent out of the QinQ SAP.

Thus, the device processes packets received with 2 or more tags using the MPLS SDP or a dot1q SAP while classifying on the QinQ SAP ingress using 2 tags.


Feature Support, Configuration notes and Restrictions

A new svc-sap-type value "qinq-inner-tag-preserve" is available for configuring the service. This must be used when creating a new Epipe service if this functionality is desired (For example: epipe 10 svc-sap-type qinq-inner-tag-preserve create).
• This service is available only in network mode.
• Epipe service created with the parameter svc-sap-type set to qinq-inner-tag-preserve will allow for only one QinQ SAP and only one SDP of vc-type ‘vc-vlan’. The system will not allow the user to use any other SAP in this new service, that is, NULL SAP, Q1. * SAP, 0.* SAP, etc, are not allowed for configuration in this service. The SDP cannot be of vc- type ‘vc-ether’.
• User can configure vlan-vc-tag value for the SDP, the dot1q SAP VLAN tag value and the inner tag VLAN value of a QinQ SAP to match the VLAN ID value of the inner tag specified in the Q1.Q2 SAP configured in the service (example: if the SAP is 1/1/ 10:Q1.Q2, then vlan-vc-tag must be set to Q2, the dot1q SAP VLAN value must be Q2, and the inner tag of another QinQ SAP must be set to Q2). If any other value, other than QinQ SAP's inner tag is configured for vlan-vc-tag or dot1q SAP VLAN value, or for the inner tag of the QinQ SAP then it will be errored out by the software. If vlan-vc-tag value is not configured, it defaults to use the inner VLAN tag value. It is highly recommended that the customer configure the vlan-vc-tag value to match the VLAN ID value of the inner tag configured for the QinQ SAP, to avoid mis-configuration.
• Existing QoS and ACL functionality for the Epipe service entities will continue to be available, with the following exceptions:
→ If the packet is received with more than 2 tags, then IP match-criteria cannot be used with SAP ingress QoS classification and ACLs (both Ingress and Egress ACLs).
→ If the packet is received with more than 2 tags, then Ethertype value in the mac- criteria cannot be used with SAP ingress QoS classification and ACLs (both Ingress and Egress ACLs).
→ Dot1p bits from the outermost tag (i.e. Q1 VLAN tag, if the SAP is 1/1/10:Q1.Q2) will be used for SAP ingress classification. Dot1p bits of the outermost tag will be marked on egress, if marking is enabled on the egress port. The Dot1p bit value of the vc-vlan-tag is not used to mark the Dot1p bits of the outermost VLAN tag, when the packets is exiting the QinQ SAP.
• OAM tools
→ MPLS OAM tools such as vccv-ping, vccv-trace, etc. is supported for the SDPs
→ Accounting and Statistics for the service entities (e.g. SAP and SDP) will be available as before
→ CFM/Y.1731 tools are supported. UP and Down MEP is supported on the SAPs and the SDPs configured in the Epipe service.
• Following Redundancy mechanisms available in Epipe service is supported when using MPLS SDP:
→ Epipe PW redundancy
→ MC-LAG based protection for access SAPs using the new service type (along with
use PW redundancy)