Date created: Friday, October 18, 2024 10:23:38 AM. Last modified: Friday, October 18, 2024 10:29:09 AM
Control Plane ACL
EOS has a default auto-generated control-plane ACL.
lab#show ip access-lists default-control-plane-acl IP Access List default-control-plane-acl [readonly] counters per-entry 10 permit icmp any any [match 541163498 bytes in 4900227 packets, 0:00:00 ago] 20 permit ip any any tracked [match 329364147549 bytes in 1126954545 packets, 0:00:00 ago] 30 permit udp any any eq bfd ttl eq 255 40 permit udp any any eq bfd-echo ttl eq 254 50 permit udp any any eq multihop-bfd micro-bfd sbfd [match 31111326168 bytes in 598294734 packets, 0:20:05 ago] 60 permit udp any eq sbfd any eq sbfd-initiator 70 permit ospf any any 80 permit tcp any any eq ssh telnet www snmp bgp https msdp ldp netconf-ssh gnmi [match 210610 bytes in 3383 packets, 17:57:20 ago] 90 permit udp any any eq bootps bootpc snmp rip ntp ldp ptp-event ptp-general [match 1150 bytes in 8 packets, 108 days, 14:25:55 ago] 100 permit tcp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255 110 permit udp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255 120 permit vrrp any any 130 permit ahp any any 140 permit pim any any 150 permit igmp any any 160 permit tcp any any range 5900 5910 [match 520 bytes in 13 packets, 107 days, 20:59:34 ago] 170 permit tcp any any range 50000 50100 [match 244 bytes in 6 packets, 109 days, 7:13:45 ago] 180 permit udp any any range 51000 51100 190 permit tcp any any eq 3333 [match 124 bytes in 3 packets, 119 days, 12:41:52 ago] 200 permit tcp any any eq nat ttl eq 255 210 permit tcp any eq bgp any [match 162 bytes in 2 packets, 17 days, 17:26:11 ago] 220 permit rsvp any any 230 permit tcp any any eq 9340 [match 80 bytes in 2 packets, 113 days, 21:53:01 ago] 240 permit tcp any any eq 9559 [match 80 bytes in 2 packets, 114 days, 5:17:45 ago] 250 permit udp any any eq 8503 260 permit udp any any eq lsp-ping 270 permit udp any eq lsp-ping any
If one wants to run iPerf between EOS devices, one must first make a new control plane ACL which is a copy of that auto generated one, and then add iPerf permitting ACEs to that ACL.
ip access-list default-control-plane-acl-iperf counters per-entry 10 permit icmp any any 20 permit ip any any tracked 30 permit udp any any eq bfd ttl eq 255 40 permit udp any any eq bfd-echo ttl eq 254 50 permit udp any any eq multihop-bfd micro-bfd sbfd 60 permit udp any eq sbfd any eq sbfd-initiator 70 permit ospf any any 80 permit tcp any any eq ssh telnet www snmp bgp https msdp ldp netconf-ssh gnmi 90 permit udp any any eq bootps bootpc snmp rip ntp ldp ptp-event ptp-general 100 permit tcp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255 110 permit udp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255 120 permit vrrp any any 130 permit ahp any any 140 permit pim any any 150 permit igmp any any 160 permit tcp any any range 5900 5910 170 permit tcp any any range 50000 50100 180 permit udp any any range 51000 51100 190 permit tcp any any eq 3333 200 permit tcp any any eq nat ttl eq 255 210 permit tcp any eq bgp any 220 permit rsvp any any 230 permit tcp any any eq 9340 240 permit tcp any any eq 9559 250 permit udp any any eq 8503 260 permit udp any any eq lsp-ping 270 permit udp any eq lsp-ping any 300 permit tcp range 1024 65535 eq 5001 310 permit udp range 1024 65535 eq 5001 exit system control-plane ip access-group default-control-plane-acl-iperf in exit
Running iPerf
Becasue everything is in a network namespace in EOS, one needs to run iPerf in the "default" namespace to run iPerf across an underlay.
# Start iPerf server in default routing table, listening on lo0 IPv4 address: bash sudo ip netns exec default iperf -B $(ip addr show dev lo0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d "/" -f 1) -i 1 -s # Start iPerf client using lo0 IPv4 address in default routing table as source address bash sudo ip netns exec default iperf -B $(ip addr show dev lo0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d "/" -f 1) -i 1 -t 30 -c -u -b 200M
Bandwidth Limitations
When testing on 7280R3 devices, iPerf can achieve more than ~240Mbps between devices, and when running at this maximum speed for an extended period of time, the CLI/SSH becomes slow to respond, and GNMIC can no longer be polled, so it seems that this is the max control-plane <-> data-plane bandwidth for this platform.